A knight and a turd idiot left, with the proposal of the Government's snack
If you do not break with Di Pietro, no dialogue!
And then the left will do everything to misunderstand Di Pietro.
Then, if the rider was about to accept the dialogue, find another newly in the left ... I know ... looks too much conflict of interest.
So yes we would be talking to the left of comflitto ... but between generations, or that of the second war of independence.
If, again, the knight was about to speak again, ask that, but ... pants of the opposition are too high.
And then the left if they would drop.
And so on. And the left
becca ... like a chicken ... But what
left, those are just jerks (and mica of all though, we do), and more in search of seats (but we think the king of the center to care), the left have never seen .. . and the role of the opposition to be close to the "good volume status."
If I could, I resign from this political class.
make a proposal.
As for electricity, gas, telephones, etc.., you can choose (so to speak) to another provider / operator, so it should be for the political class (meaning that accumulation of scoundrels of the right and left with arrogance that now occupy the Italian political scene).
But this could only do that by changing country, I know ... France, Spain, as did three generations of my ancestors, and even my son. But I do not want to leave Italy, which I like more than other countries. And then I do not feel ready to leave the field, therefore, I have to be a slave and a subject in my house where, well, the king once we accompanied him to the door. Good understanding of what feelings you can try ...
the series: "Never say to a asshole is an asshole. Could do the shit. "(Pier Paolo Pasolini), and adds," so it does the same even now. "
The proposal seems odd, but why can I get drowned by the Coca-Cola, the Pepsi-Cola and Nestle (which they do in other countries) and I should not, here in my country, to be able to govern a different political system from a different class or politics?
that perhaps the current state is sovereign, it is affected by coca-cola in turn by the EEC by supranational and local mafias and financial?
And then, what harm is there if there was another political system in competition with the current one (again, no matter whether the right and left, as we know it)?
Maybe a political system of small numbers, which administer the schools, hospitals, roads, etc.. own account and to which my sweat to pay taxes, in competition with the other one. This would be a nice kick in the butt of so many people! It would be hypocritical to say now that the state is sovereign in its territory and its people.
So I can vote for who you really then I will rule, and not a vote that will not govern me, and I will be governed, as now, politicians voted by a mass of people alienated from the promises and rincitrulliti television Berlusca of duty.
Already! Because if my proposal is founded on three lines, ridendo e scherzando, in realtà va dritta-dritta al nocciolo della questione. E cioè: è giusto che quella massa rincitrullita dai vari "L'isola dei famosi" e simili, che conosce poco o niente delle questioni al di là del proprio naso e che, dunque, è strumentalizzabile con qualche promessa imbecille - dicevo - è giusto che quella massa condizioni così malamente la mia vita?
Niente in contrario se così gli va bene, si facciano scorticare pure dall'attuale classe politica. Ma a me lasciatemi scorticare da chi preferisco io (come faccio adesso, che posso scegliermi il medico di fiducia, il panettiere di fiducia, ecc.).
Abbiamo traslato la democrazia greca nel nostro mondo e, per un equivoco senso dell'egualitarismo, we allowed all the votes, while the Greeks excluded the so-called "idiotes", ie those who were strangers to interest in the management of public affairs because landowners.
is said that a nation has the leaders it deserves. But those government I do not want them to govern. I'd like others. And, then, why not choose them?
do not know how to call them, and I would not offend anyone, but those idiotes now be conditioned as they were at the time of the Greeks. "Bread and circuses" said Juvenal Roman times. And, in fact, now what to give nourishment to didiotes? Bread and entertainment, in fact.
Unless ... but this thought for long and Berlusca P2 with the implementation Plan of democratic rebirth (sic), who have taken possession of the brain idiotes with television, and are able to make them believe that choosing Dell'Utri and friends is their own free choice, as that song by Luigi Tenco Waiter on Antonio in The Ballad of fashion .
If the video does not open, go to YouTube page .
Unless - I said - all citizens can be empowered to make choices knowing well who choose first and, together, to know as much as possible on the issues being debated. Otherwise
, and it seems the sensible thing, do not remain that two roads:
a) Allow the vote to those who can, through a kind of license that needs to be done to achieve an exam, and refuse to vote, or relegated only to the scope of the district, who does not know. A bit like the current access to university, or as a separate voting value expressing the foreigners in our country.
b) repeal the rule as it is now, and replace it with more administrative and political systems, as I said above. And perhaps, rather than repeal, talking about a reduction to almost zero state, leaving only the function of establishing the rules by which they can live with these new administrative and political systems. Whereupon it will go back almost from the beginning, because he rises again the problem to whom to send to Rome, and how many for each faction, to establish those rules.
As you can see, the second path is not feasible (you imagine that a piece of the hospital of my city falls under a political-administrative system and a piece from another?), While the first and practicable, without changing a anything. It could be divided into a series of very simple measures, for example, in chronological order:
1) Grant of voter who has passed the test and, periodically, an exam that demonstrates the ongoing nature of that the license was issued. Establishment of ' citizenship test, so that those who do not the top may have passed over it later.
2) Repeal of the institution of private ownership of media (including TV) to extend at least in Europe (EEC can be seen that conditions on many things, do it at least for this), since the public interest almost exclusively, such as rivers or the sea, or at least fragmentation of ownership (not to circumvent the quota system as in the company) to a very low level, so that more people can make their own policy.
3) Strengthening the cultural function of television to really know the issues at all, and elimination of programs that are a debasement of the person (in Europe).
not it would make a better system?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Blueprints For The Light Bulb
The left is no more! Agreed, but so what?
On the right are glued together with the money of Berlusca. Look Cicchitto, Gasparri and friends (in fact several comrades) who say exactly the same things in the news, a sort of "Executioner who spring."
The right is left-wing politics? But when? € 8 million to 8 million households or 1 € 8 billion away to family and school. With one euro per family, whereas an average family (so-called said sums being insufficient) to 3 people, you buy a fillet of bread, 500 grams, divided by 3, it's okay to make a snack without relish , of \u200b\u200bcourse. Remove
8 billion to the school, on the contrary, siglifica demolish it. Are already 15 years old in primary schools, parents must bring the card for photocopying, in turn. And high school kids going to ask for toilet paper to the janitors, because the bathrooms do not even put that. And what school will be one where you fill the mouth of "training activities" or good intentions while the computer is more recent, on average, 8-10 years ago? I am not speaking of software, then, that is 90% copied. Finance
Why does carpet inspections in schools? Not to "punish" the abuse of the software, but to show that you do not have money to buy them and, therefore, fetch it, and copy it as best they can be accommodated. Why do you say to a guy "this software is old and copied, but you can not even say" the paper to clean up your ass you bring it from home.
I'm not happy at all of the left, but the right is worse. The right has always made the interests of the rich, giving to the poor, sweeteners, and making melody to an empty patriotism and love of people, such as when the Roman bourgeoisie sate with building plots and celebrated with the table all lined up in black shirts. The post-war economic miracle, was due to starvation, only to hunger and the desire to not see more than around. Today we ask optimism to repeat a second economic miracle, when gangrene is an infection of the general patronage, such as right to left.
The first thing I asked my father when he sees me, even today after 60 years and more since the war, and although I do have 55 and I spend good (Benin), and if I ate, I did not feel Italian or Italian yesterday. Because of him, after the war had to go from the mountains of the Marches to 1500 feet underground in Belgium, to dig coal, on which De Gasperi was the "ridge" and restart the economy with money remittances and the sweat of Italian remained hungry.
There is no way to return to a booming economy takes another war, with a beautiful sweep of the hierarchy in the sewers, both right and left. Other than a vague hope, in some indefinite future as "consumers". Einaudi citizens called "investors" and not consumers, as is fashionable today to say that we are treated like chickens pecking must necessarily, as in farming.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Alkaline Multiple Charger
Confirmations on seigniorage
Go L'Espresso this blog with a post on seigniorage. Some time ago I reported the site http://www.signoraggio.it/ between links of this blog, but the discussion was widened.
Other useful sites on the subject and on the strategic power of banks and the financial system: (1 ), (2 ), ( 3), (4 ).
Go L'Espresso this blog with a post on seigniorage. Some time ago I reported the site http://www.signoraggio.it/ between links of this blog, but the discussion was widened.
Other useful sites on the subject and on the strategic power of banks and the financial system: (1 ), (2 ), ( 3), (4 ).
August 24, 2010 - I have to warn internet users that originally reported some of the links above have changed in appearance and sometimes seem, the management of its website, which should better check how many links in order not to fall into confusion.
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