Sunday, March 29, 2009

X1650 Pro 3d Agp Driver

The Tiger in my garden

Ideas For A Moving Toy

Only America

I never saw anything more lonely in North America.

Like a drunk husband
voraciously has beaten his wife
to occupy the areas most secrets.

And his death he found himself alone,
in geographic space immensi
quanto mentalmente angusti.

In cui lo guardo è assente,
ma, ad ogni modo,
non c’è più niente da guardare.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Power Rangers Costume

Press Start

Una tavola di 1 anno e mezzo fa, nata da una fotografia scattata al Denkmal für die ermodeten Juden Europas, monumento di Berlino in memoria delle vittime dell'Olocausto.

La tavola è stata selezionata per il catalogo dell'OFFF, l'International Festival for the Post-Digital Creation Culture, durante l'edizione autunnale del 2007 svoltasi a NY.

Il tema era :"Press Start".

Linoleum Stains Metal


Montreal (or Montreal, as you prefer to view)

was dissolved in a liquid mixture
accompanied by cigarette butts, plastics and various accumulated dirt.

She cried a whole week

from every balcony and every roof.

Drop by drop,
has consumed her menstrual cycle colorless and odorless.

that reflects the feeling of lack of winter.

Every step I take is now free to feel the ground without

sink restlessness of the unknown.

Now every road leads
every intersection and separates.

is over time to float a foot out of life.

again I feel the weight of words and passages.

of people and create opportunities.

fertile Finally, even if orphaned

I have the choice between his hands.

The caress,
pretending to sit on the edge of Ponte Sisto.