(before reading, start the song by Gaber, at the bottom of the post)
Sorry if it is little - as they say - but from inside, looking for pieces of Serge Gainsbourg for my blog, I came across this video that links to you only to avoid the obscenity to bring back the HMTL code and, consequently, the image that would show:
-1 Video, Video-2 , Video -3, Video-4 . In those pages, also in the right column, there are other hundreds of videos with similar content, and all italians (in my opinion, much more disruptive to the internal unity of the country's videos not WikiLeaks ).
a child was the subject of Civics at school and in the constitution would read: transitory and final
XII: reorganization is prohibited in any form, the dissolved fascist party. Notwithstanding Article 48, shall be determined by law, for not more than five years after entry into force of the Constitution, temporary limitations on voting rights and eligibility for the leaders responsible for of the fascist regime.
There seemed something out of this world, something happened at the time of the dinosaurs, but they were nenanche three decades from the tragedy of war and civil war and the regime that had led us, including the aftermath of the economic crisis and that had generated strong employment emigration equally strong regions and the country's poorest districts.
The teacher - who knows if he was a Communist!? - A poor man who came from an alternate Casalvento Falconara (15 km in the mountains of Sassoferrato, and slept at my old widowed aunt, Filomena), added la legge Scelba , cioè la Legge 20 giugno 1952, n. 645 che all'art. 1 recitava, e recita tutt'ora: Riorganizzazione del disciolto partito fascista - Ai fini della XII disposizione transitoria e finale (comma primo) della Costituzione, si ha riorganizzazione del disciolto partito fascista quando una associazione, un movimento o comunque un gruppo di persone non inferiore a cinque persegue finalità antidemocratiche proprie del partito fascista, esaltando, minacciando o usando la violenza quale metodo di lotta politica o propugnando la soppressione delle libertà garantite dalla Costituzione o denigrando la democrazia, le sue istituzioni e i valori della Resistenza, o svolgendo propaganda razzista, that addresses its activities to the exaltation of leaders, principles, facts and methods of that party, or perform any fascist outward manifestations. (The following can be found here ). I do not want it long, but who would enforce this law? ... is there anybody there? ... or there is none since Berlusconi made the famous clearance National Alliance in 1994?
In site of the Italian Parliament, of course, there is no trace of these laws because it only goes back to March 1996.
Who is, therefore, to examine the contents of those videos, to ascertain se vi sia violazione delle leggi e, di conseguenza, di identificare le persone ivi riprese (di alcune non è poi così difficile!), di sporgere denuncia e di aprire un fascicolo giudiziario di indagine per accertare eventuali responsabilità?
E a chi spetta di accertare se, nell'insieme, non siano comunque il frutto di una associazione i cui membri, i blogger, proprio per il sistema di links di YouTube, non vadano a costituire una specie di testata giornalistica che dovrebbe, pertanto, registrarsi presso gli organi competenti italiani? E di verificare se vi siano reati, ecc. ecc., identificare chi ha caricato quei video, e perseguirli se vi siano responsabilità previste dalla legge?

Potrei solo risponderle: ... ehm ... guarda ... ehm ... l'Italia ... ehm ... è una delle tante repubbliche delle banane ma, comunque, è una repubblica (anche se dei più furbi), e non ti devi meravigliare ... qui le cose vanno così ... nonostante le leggi e le promesse ...
E la Polizia Internet , o la Polizia Postale , that more police and ensure that not only on roads (the same is true for other law enforcement officers), has never seen these things really obscene that offend common sense and, above all (and, primarily, to agree or not) the law?
To make a comparison.
These videos are there for everyone, adult or not, affialiati or not, as might be in everyone's eyes ... I know that? ... a square of our cities where crimes be conducted openly and carrion of all kinds, and where he was also the police, instead of intervening, turns away and still hear the noise in the square and wait for someone to pull the jacket to see for themselves eyes.
And in recent months that many politicians are scrambling to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Italy, see? do not see? have vision problems? of strabismus? But they had not, well, a good mutual fund where you will be measuring the view for free?
And the President should not pull the ears of blind people, including police Maroni? and to remove from circulation those obscenity the flag? And the mountain of La Russa (see picture), who sees us in that flag Tutt Spit (like Roger Whittaker said ) when the waves at attention, if not all of us and those 150 years, and 2 or 3 thousand years earlier?
Have fun with Gaber. .
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