Here is the schedule of the Class One 2011: Stresa is
E 'was published on the official website of the Class One World Powerboat Championship ( ) the race calendar of the 2011 world offshore presented officially the last weekend in Monaco from settinama H2O Racing Promotions, a new company promoteea. Five races scheduled. It begins April 14 to 16 in Dubai, the second GP in July in the beautiful fjord of Arendal (15-17). Third race in Italy. For the third consecutive year is the calendar GP Stresa that the program runs from 23 to 25 September 2011 . Penultimate test
Rio de Janeiro October 21 to 23 and a grand finale in Abu Dhabi December 1 to 3. The fireballs of the water and then whisking more in Stresa.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Shuffleboard Demesions
journalist Giselle Motta skiers won three medals at the World journalists
Partire da Stresa, andare in Canada, parlare del lago Maggiore , e vincere nel frattempo tre medaglie. Lo ha fatto la fotogiornalista Gisella Motta che a Banff, nella regione di Alberta, ha partecipato al 58° Meeting Scij , gara internazionale di sci riservato ai giornalisti. Un vero e proprio mondiale al quale erano presenti oltre duecento giornalisti di 33 nazioni . Motta ha gareggiato nella categoria Junior vincendo due medaglie d’oro, in slalom gigante e in combinata; la
terza medaglia, un bronzo, è arrivata nel fondo che non è propriamente la sua specialità.
terza medaglia, un bronzo, è arrivata nel fondo che non è propriamente la sua specialità.
«Mi sono allenata al Mottarone, la mia montagna - racconta - e a Santa Maria Maggiore per lo sci nordico: voglio quindi ringraziare anche i maestri di sci della val Vigezzo». Motta scrive su riviste come Bell’Italia e Bell’Europa dove spesso promuove il territorio. Maestra di fotografia ha la passione per la montagna e per lo sci in particolare: le sorelle Laura e Patricia hanno fatto parte della nazionale azzurra tra gli anni Settanta e Ottanta. «A Banff ho trovato alcuni grandi campioni di sci come i canadesi Thomas Grandi e Steve Podborski - racconta Motta -: quest’ultimo è stato a Stresa e ha nel cuore ancora il Lago Maggiore. Ho dato a tutti dei libri sul nostro territorio e hanno apprezzato».
(Di V.A. su La Stampa)
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There are two forms of power in the world: the sword and the mind.
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Saturday, February 26, 2011
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Stresa: Convening of the City Council
Stresa (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola)
Mayor Mr. Milia Di Canio has convened a special meeting, the City Council for the day Wednesday, March 2 2010, at 21.00 at the Palazzo dei Congressi , to resolve the following AGENDA :
1. Read and approve minutes from previous sittings.
2. Rules for reviewing and approving Municipal
publication procedures to 'Praetorian Register on-line.
3. Examination and approval Regolamento Comunale per la manomissione del suolo
pubblico e modalità di ripristino per scavi.
4. Sportello Unico Attività Produttive - Gestione associata dell’ attività di sportello in
convenzione tra i Comuni di Stresa, Baveno, Belgirate, Brovello Carpugnino, Gignese,
Oggebbio per il triennio 2011/2013.
5. Istituzione Centro Cultura di Stresa - Comunicazione deliberazione C.D.A. n.
7/2010 “Ricognizione stato di attuazione dei programmi e salvaguardia degli equilibri di
bilancio - esercizio finanziario 2010. Esame ed approvazione 1° variazione al bilancio.”.
6. Istituzione Centro Cultura di Stresa - Comunicazione deliberazione C.D.A. n.
8/2010 “Esame ed approvazione assestamento generale di bilancio - esercizio finanziario
7. L.R. 28/2007, art. 14 - Esame ed approvazione convenzioni tra il Comune di Stresa
e gli Asili Infantili M. Ostini e C. Bassetti.
8. Esame ed approvazione convenzione con l’ Asilo Infantile M. Ostini di Stresa per
per la gestione del Micronido.
9. Esame ed approvazione convezione con il Consorzio Servizi Sociali del Verbano
Consorzio servizi sociali per la gestione del servizio di assistenza domiciliare S.A.D. - periodo
01 gennaio/31 dicembre 2011.
10. Esame ed approvazione Regolamento Comunale per sale da gioco ed
installazione Equipment for the legal gaming.
11. Council Chamber Group Together! Proposal for a council resolution on
"Revisiting the partial annulment of 'concession agreement Municipality / Pallavicino
alleging' use of the lake area of \u200b\u200bthe villa. Conclusion of the 'examination. (Protocol No. 19111 of
12/03/2010). "
12. Council Chamber Group Together! Motion on urban renewal project
fractions of land and lake (protocol No. 2346 of 15.02.2011).
13. Council Chamber Group Together! Motion on the minutes of board meetings.
unwinding (protocol No. 2349 of 02.15.2011).
14. Council Chamber Group Together! Motion on Regulation per individuazione
criteri di affidamento di servizi di progettazione e urbanistici inferiori a Euro 20.000.=
deliberazione C.C. n. 9/2007 (prot. n. 2350 del 15.02.2011).
15. Gruppo Consiliare Insieme! Interpellanza relativa a “Corso Umberto I
occupazione di area pubblica - Interferenza - rimozione.” (prot. n. 993 del 20.01.2011).
16. Gruppo Consiliare Insieme! Interpellanza relativa a manutenzione fabbricato
imbarcadero (prot. N. 994 del 20.01.2011).
17. Gruppo Consiliare Insieme! Interpellanza relativa a stato parcheggi area Lido
(prot. n. 995 del 20.01.2011).
18. Gruppo Consiliare Insieme! Interpellanza relativa a beni acquired the assets
city. State procedures, their use. (Protocol No. 996 of 01.20.2011).
19. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation concerning municipal treasures
assigned to third parties for commercial use. Disparities in the legal regime applied. "(Protocol
No 997 of 01.20.2011).
20. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation concerning Interreg Italy-Switzerland
2007-2013. Resources not used. Fishers Island Project. Projects'
administration (protocol No. 2345 of 02.15.2011).
21. Council Chamber Group Together! Consulted at the Villa La Palazzola Foundation -
State funding and the project (protocol No 2351 of 15.02.2011).
22. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation of the villages on hygiene and decorum (protocol No. 2352 of 15.02.2011
23. Council Chamber Group Together! Consulted at the mismanagement of municipal cemeteries
(protocol No. 2353 of 02.15.2011).
24. Council Chamber Group Together! Consulted at the local auto blue (protocol No. 2354 of 15.02.2011
25. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation on liberalization of local public services
- Stresa Services Ltd, perspectives, and administrative programs (protocol 2355 of
26. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation on the Government to act to address the
Municipal No. 155/2010 (protocol No. 2356 of 15.02.2011).
27. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation on population movement,
new subscriptions and cancellations for immigration to established residence elsewhere
(protocol No. 2357 of 02.15.2011).
28. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation on progress in implementing new headquarters
Hostelry Institute (protocol No. 2358 of 02.15.2011).
29. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation on public building service technician.
nerf. (Protocol No. 2359 of 02.15.2011).
30. Group Council Chamber concomitantly! Consulted at the Joint Convention of Stresa / Rest House
Tadini (protocol No. 2360 of 15.02.2011).
Stresa (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola)
Mayor Mr. Milia Di Canio has convened a special meeting, the City Council for the day Wednesday, March 2 2010, at 21.00 at the Palazzo dei Congressi , to resolve the following AGENDA :
1. Read and approve minutes from previous sittings.
2. Rules for reviewing and approving Municipal
publication procedures to 'Praetorian Register on-line.
3. Examination and approval Regolamento Comunale per la manomissione del suolo
pubblico e modalità di ripristino per scavi.
4. Sportello Unico Attività Produttive - Gestione associata dell’ attività di sportello in
convenzione tra i Comuni di Stresa, Baveno, Belgirate, Brovello Carpugnino, Gignese,
Oggebbio per il triennio 2011/2013.
5. Istituzione Centro Cultura di Stresa - Comunicazione deliberazione C.D.A. n.
7/2010 “Ricognizione stato di attuazione dei programmi e salvaguardia degli equilibri di
bilancio - esercizio finanziario 2010. Esame ed approvazione 1° variazione al bilancio.”.
6. Istituzione Centro Cultura di Stresa - Comunicazione deliberazione C.D.A. n.
8/2010 “Esame ed approvazione assestamento generale di bilancio - esercizio finanziario
7. L.R. 28/2007, art. 14 - Esame ed approvazione convenzioni tra il Comune di Stresa
e gli Asili Infantili M. Ostini e C. Bassetti.
8. Esame ed approvazione convenzione con l’ Asilo Infantile M. Ostini di Stresa per
per la gestione del Micronido.
9. Esame ed approvazione convezione con il Consorzio Servizi Sociali del Verbano
Consorzio servizi sociali per la gestione del servizio di assistenza domiciliare S.A.D. - periodo
01 gennaio/31 dicembre 2011.
10. Esame ed approvazione Regolamento Comunale per sale da gioco ed
installazione Equipment for the legal gaming.
11. Council Chamber Group Together! Proposal for a council resolution on
"Revisiting the partial annulment of 'concession agreement Municipality / Pallavicino
alleging' use of the lake area of \u200b\u200bthe villa. Conclusion of the 'examination. (Protocol No. 19111 of
12/03/2010). "
12. Council Chamber Group Together! Motion on urban renewal project
fractions of land and lake (protocol No. 2346 of 15.02.2011).
13. Council Chamber Group Together! Motion on the minutes of board meetings.
unwinding (protocol No. 2349 of 02.15.2011).
14. Council Chamber Group Together! Motion on Regulation per individuazione
criteri di affidamento di servizi di progettazione e urbanistici inferiori a Euro 20.000.=
deliberazione C.C. n. 9/2007 (prot. n. 2350 del 15.02.2011).
15. Gruppo Consiliare Insieme! Interpellanza relativa a “Corso Umberto I
occupazione di area pubblica - Interferenza - rimozione.” (prot. n. 993 del 20.01.2011).
16. Gruppo Consiliare Insieme! Interpellanza relativa a manutenzione fabbricato
imbarcadero (prot. N. 994 del 20.01.2011).
17. Gruppo Consiliare Insieme! Interpellanza relativa a stato parcheggi area Lido
(prot. n. 995 del 20.01.2011).
18. Gruppo Consiliare Insieme! Interpellanza relativa a beni acquired the assets
city. State procedures, their use. (Protocol No. 996 of 01.20.2011).
19. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation concerning municipal treasures
assigned to third parties for commercial use. Disparities in the legal regime applied. "(Protocol
No 997 of 01.20.2011).
20. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation concerning Interreg Italy-Switzerland
2007-2013. Resources not used. Fishers Island Project. Projects'
administration (protocol No. 2345 of 02.15.2011).
21. Council Chamber Group Together! Consulted at the Villa La Palazzola Foundation -
State funding and the project (protocol No 2351 of 15.02.2011).
22. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation of the villages on hygiene and decorum (protocol No. 2352 of 15.02.2011
23. Council Chamber Group Together! Consulted at the mismanagement of municipal cemeteries
(protocol No. 2353 of 02.15.2011).
24. Council Chamber Group Together! Consulted at the local auto blue (protocol No. 2354 of 15.02.2011
25. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation on liberalization of local public services
- Stresa Services Ltd, perspectives, and administrative programs (protocol 2355 of
26. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation on the Government to act to address the
Municipal No. 155/2010 (protocol No. 2356 of 15.02.2011).
27. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation on population movement,
new subscriptions and cancellations for immigration to established residence elsewhere
(protocol No. 2357 of 02.15.2011).
28. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation on progress in implementing new headquarters
Hostelry Institute (protocol No. 2358 of 02.15.2011).
29. Council Chamber Group Together! Interpellation on public building service technician.
nerf. (Protocol No. 2359 of 02.15.2011).
30. Group Council Chamber concomitantly! Consulted at the Joint Convention of Stresa / Rest House
Tadini (protocol No. 2360 of 15.02.2011).
Friday, February 25, 2011
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ISTUD Stresa: Cuneo student wins scholarship for the course in Stresa
is Paola greens again, twenty-seven degree in Naval and Nautical Design with a thesis on a solar-electric boat for river transport, the winner of the selection trials for the ' allocation scholarship funded by the Province the frequency of the first edition of the postgraduate program in Green Management and Entrepreneurship at the 'Istud of Stresa. Cuneo some years resident in Vco, Paola greens again,
after eight weeks of classroom courses, an internship is to begin to develop and test the their skills, "which may have - points to the Provincial Councillor Training, Francomaria Franzi - an interesting local recurrence. Will aim to develop a business plan for the use of waterways, with particular attention to the potential of our lake for tourism and trade. An area that is one of the ideas that the provincial administration candidate for the feasibility in view of Expo 2015. The project will be integrated Istud student observing the socio-environmental criteria, making them competitive and innovative, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the new green thinking. "
Claudia Quartuccio, coordinator of the postgraduate course in Green Management, recalls gli obiettivi e finalità del "master" che in questo suo primo anno ha avuto 13 partecipanti: «Si rivolge a giovani laureati di qualsiasi disciplina, interessati a specializzarsi sulle nuove professionalità offerte dall'economia verde. Il corso fornisce le competenze necessarie per operare in azienda in ottica di piena sostenibilità (economica, ambientale, sociale). Oltre a quella messa a disposizione della Provincia del Vco, gli studenti hanno potuto accedere a 8 borse di studio, due delle quali finanziate da Istud, una dalla Facoltà di Agraria dell'Università di Palermo, una da Kyoto Club, e 4 borse dalle aziende partner del programma: Edp Renewables, Plastipak, Sea, Terna".
after eight weeks of classroom courses, an internship is to begin to develop and test the their skills, "which may have - points to the Provincial Councillor Training, Francomaria Franzi - an interesting local recurrence. Will aim to develop a business plan for the use of waterways, with particular attention to the potential of our lake for tourism and trade. An area that is one of the ideas that the provincial administration candidate for the feasibility in view of Expo 2015. The project will be integrated Istud student observing the socio-environmental criteria, making them competitive and innovative, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the new green thinking. "
Claudia Quartuccio, coordinator of the postgraduate course in Green Management, recalls gli obiettivi e finalità del "master" che in questo suo primo anno ha avuto 13 partecipanti: «Si rivolge a giovani laureati di qualsiasi disciplina, interessati a specializzarsi sulle nuove professionalità offerte dall'economia verde. Il corso fornisce le competenze necessarie per operare in azienda in ottica di piena sostenibilità (economica, ambientale, sociale). Oltre a quella messa a disposizione della Provincia del Vco, gli studenti hanno potuto accedere a 8 borse di studio, due delle quali finanziate da Istud, una dalla Facoltà di Agraria dell'Università di Palermo, una da Kyoto Club, e 4 borse dalle aziende partner del programma: Edp Renewables, Plastipak, Sea, Terna".
(Di M.R. su The Prealpina)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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Green Management: The gang of police for the Unification of Italy 150
The concert band of the Carabinieri celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy and will open at the same time the 50th edition of the Weeks Stresa Musical . The event, free admission , is scheduled for July 23 the square Lido, in the town jail to Stresa on a stage built for the occasion 102 musicians will perform in full uniform conducted by Maestro Massimo Martinelli . After the concert space to fireworks,
that will open the 2011 edition of the World Cup, "Flowers of Fire " organized by the Lake District with a performance out of competition. "Happy to have chosen together in a single moment of celebration the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy and the 50th of Music Weeks, which are the most important cultural event of the province," said the prefect George Mosquera. Met the president of the Noble County Massimo: "Have-mo
that will open the 2011 edition of the World Cup, "Flowers of Fire " organized by the Lake District with a performance out of competition. "Happy to have chosen together in a single moment of celebration the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy and the 50th of Music Weeks, which are the most important cultural event of the province," said the prefect George Mosquera. Met the president of the Noble County Massimo: "Have-mo
achieved this result thanks to the cooperation of the provincial police commander, Lt. Col. Adrian Vernon."
(from LG on La Stampa)
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Stresa: The Familie Flöz staged at the Congress Palace Restaurant''with the immortal ' '
Giovedì 24 febbraio , alle 21.15, al Palazzo dei congressi di Stresa andrà in scena per la stagione Lampi sul loggione lo spettacolo della compagnia tedesca Familie Flöz, in ''Ristorante immortale'' . Il gruppo è molto noto in tutta Europa e lo spettacolo rappresenta una novità assoluta per il Vco. La compagnia di Berlino approda così a “ Lampi sul loggione ”, con uno dei suoi spettacoli più noti e rappresentati, nello spirito di riuscire a proporre spettacoli nuovi per il
territorio. Lo spettacolo "Ristorante immortal "has traveled throughout Europe and has been performed more than 600 times. It offers the magic of masks, with rapid reversals of roles, combined with moments of intense poetry and pure comedy. The story says that somewhere between heaven and hell the center of the universe, but still in the middle of nowhere, there is the "Immortal Restaurant" with its busy team perennially busy preparing for guests who never arrive. Day after day, this microcosm reveals a crumbling town that apparently has lost its reason to exist. Restaurant Immortal is a maze of dreams and despair, where the laundry basket becomes a vessel flying the castanets and cymbals become a surreal tango.
territorio. Lo spettacolo "Ristorante immortal "has traveled throughout Europe and has been performed more than 600 times. It offers the magic of masks, with rapid reversals of roles, combined with moments of intense poetry and pure comedy. The story says that somewhere between heaven and hell the center of the universe, but still in the middle of nowhere, there is the "Immortal Restaurant" with its busy team perennially busy preparing for guests who never arrive. Day after day, this microcosm reveals a crumbling town that apparently has lost its reason to exist. Restaurant Immortal is a maze of dreams and despair, where the laundry basket becomes a vessel flying the castanets and cymbals become a surreal tango.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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Mottarone restored to the train of skiers damaged by vandals
vandalism or sabotage: these are two possible explanations for the action against the Ski Train, a tourist train wanted by the Lake District Tourist that every weekend linking the parking areas of the valley with the peak of Mottarone . Saturday morning, the operators of transport services have found the train, which offers a summer tour in the center of Stresa, with seven cut tires. Given the impossibility to perform the repair in
summit, he was never to call a tow truck and bring downstream from the engine for repairs in the afternoon, however, the ski train has resumed regular service. "I think it is an act of vandalism in the past have been a victim myself with my business - says Fabrizio Bertoletti, owner of Hotel Eden Restaurant, which overlooks the square of the cable car where the convoy was admitted on weekdays when the service is not running. "These brave captain especially when it snows, and some rooms on the top of the car to slip." The service linking the car parks and the ski slopes with the Ski Train is the innovation of this year's Mottarone together the opportunities offered by the special day Stresa Mottarone including the cable car.
summit, he was never to call a tow truck and bring downstream from the engine for repairs in the afternoon, however, the ski train has resumed regular service. "I think it is an act of vandalism in the past have been a victim myself with my business - says Fabrizio Bertoletti, owner of Hotel Eden Restaurant, which overlooks the square of the cable car where the convoy was admitted on weekdays when the service is not running. "These brave captain especially when it snows, and some rooms on the top of the car to slip." The service linking the car parks and the ski slopes with the Ski Train is the innovation of this year's Mottarone together the opportunities offered by the special day Stresa Mottarone including the cable car.
(from LG on the Print)
Friday, February 18, 2011
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Vco BIT: Menu Risorgimento in Stresa and Toce navigable for tourists win
Tourism of Verbano Cusio Ossola wearing the colors of the Unification of Italy. It does so by presenting the Bit (International Tourism Exchange) , the world showcase where Italy is trying to revive the sector. The booth Piedmont's theme is unique: "Experience Italy, Turin and Piedmont protagonists of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of national unity." A reminder that stands out in big seas and beaches far proposed. And Lake Maggiore, in this context Risorgimento deployed his most reliable troops. Those of hospitality, starting from
glorious Hotel Institute Stresa wanted by the Regional Tourism, Alberto Cirio, the company booth at Rho Fiera. Students and teachers will be featured in early May, when it will offer a gastronomic event in Stresa Risorgimento, choosing a unique formula: the convention center will host a meeting on Unity of Italy through the kitchen, with a menu that revisits the kitchen of Artusi. Then a banquet in the halls of the institute run by the students.
glorious Hotel Institute Stresa wanted by the Regional Tourism, Alberto Cirio, the company booth at Rho Fiera. Students and teachers will be featured in early May, when it will offer a gastronomic event in Stresa Risorgimento, choosing a unique formula: the convention center will host a meeting on Unity of Italy through the kitchen, with a menu that revisits the kitchen of Artusi. Then a banquet in the halls of the institute run by the students.
Dorni Antonio Longo, president of the Lake District, has announced another project fits into the current renaissance: "In July, the Stresa Festival will host the gang of policemen during a fireworks show organized for the world championship of fireworks. And then one night in Verbania tricolor.
The tourist season on the lakes will open in just over a month and a part auspiciously. Longo Dorni browse and book this show, especially considering the data available, for 2010: "Well - he says - we have a good 17% percent increase in attendance at the hotel, and a percentage of around 3-4 in those extras such as campsites. Our impression is that we are leaving behind the most difficult period, at least we are back to pre-crisis. "
wake of these signals back to the enthusiasm and is also seen at the Bit. 'Tokens' ski resorts Ossola, confirming that the mountain of the VCO is a resource yet to be explored. And then c''è the waterway to be exploited: you want to make navigable the Toce from the lake to the base of the marble quarries of Candoglia, restoring the ancient route.
The data of the District Longo Dorni for optimism: "We returned to the pre-crisis" "
(From La Stampa)
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Mottarone: Getting ready for the evening in the snow with the "Leo Ski Night"

on Saturday, February 19 Mottarone will host the first edition of Leo Ski Night, a night on the snow a charity organized by the Leo Club Cusio Ossola, Lake Maggiore and Verbania . The event will start at 17.30 around the opening of registration and will continue until late evening, with dinner with friends and music. You can buy the package with ski pass night, can join the contest and dinner (25 €) or,
who just wants to spend an evening in the mountains and cheer for friends, the package of € 15 , with dinner included. Will be held at 19 the ski race categories, male, female and snowboarding, and 21 will be the award ceremony. All proceeds from the event will be donated to AffDown Verbania, founded in 2005 by some families of the VCO with the purpose of exchanging information, experience and support for the development, training and education of their children with Down syndrome.
who just wants to spend an evening in the mountains and cheer for friends, the package of € 15 , with dinner included. Will be held at 19 the ski race categories, male, female and snowboarding, and 21 will be the award ceremony. All proceeds from the event will be donated to AffDown Verbania, founded in 2005 by some families of the VCO with the purpose of exchanging information, experience and support for the development, training and education of their children with Down syndrome.
(Eleanor on Vco)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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Stresa: Started installation art of the street lamps and energy saving light bulbs on the islands
Work has started on construction of new public lighting to Isola Bella and Pescatori . Work carried out in the agreement between the City of Stresa e l’Enel , che prevedono lampade a basso consumo e lampioni artistici in grado di integrarsi con l’architettura tradizionale. I cavi saranno collocati sottoterra. Una volta ultimata, la nuova illuminazione, conferirà alle isole un aspetto ancora più accattivante, come biglietto da visita per l’intero lago Maggiore . Per il carico e scarico del
materiale, intanto, è stato realizzato un attracco di servizio nell’area del costruendo porto turistico. Circostanza, questa, che negli abituali frequentatori della passeggiata ha ingenerato l’equivoco che, finalmente, si fosse sbloccato il cantiere fermo da anni. Circostanza impossibile dal punto di vista giuridico anche se il primo scoglio, il ricorso al Tar Piemonte di una delle ditte escluse, è stato superato nei giorni scorsi con il respingimento. Rimane in piedi un altro ricorso al Consiglio di Stato. L’ostacolo principale all’avvio del cantiere rimane il vincolo al patto di stabilità, cui Stresa è tenuta superando i 5mila abitanti, pur avendo da tempo incassato dalla Regione i soldi sufficienti a completare l’opera.
materiale, intanto, è stato realizzato un attracco di servizio nell’area del costruendo porto turistico. Circostanza, questa, che negli abituali frequentatori della passeggiata ha ingenerato l’equivoco che, finalmente, si fosse sbloccato il cantiere fermo da anni. Circostanza impossibile dal punto di vista giuridico anche se il primo scoglio, il ricorso al Tar Piemonte di una delle ditte escluse, è stato superato nei giorni scorsi con il respingimento. Rimane in piedi un altro ricorso al Consiglio di Stato. L’ostacolo principale all’avvio del cantiere rimane il vincolo al patto di stabilità, cui Stresa è tenuta superando i 5mila abitanti, pur avendo da tempo incassato dalla Regione i soldi sufficienti a completare l’opera.
( Di M.R. su La Prealpina)
Saturday, February 12, 2011
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infarction and stroke: the irritability is a risk factor
L’eccessiva aggressività fa male al cuore e aumenta esponenzialmente il rischio di infarto e ictus. La prova scientifica arriva grazie a un’indagine approfondita condotta nel National Institute of Aging (Nia), parte dei National Institutes of Health (Nih). Ai fini dello studio, i ricercatori americani hanno lavorato diversi mesi in Sardegna, approfittando del corredo genetico –unico al mondo – degli abitanti dell’isola italiana.
Arrabbiarsi di tanto in tanto non è un evil indeed is human. Health is in danger when the anger becomes a fundamental component of personality. The speech - the researchers have pointed out - not only true for the Sardinians, but for the entire world population.
Holding anger is harmful to health, brooding, to keep everything inside and have it pass to cause damage to health can lead to bad habits such as alcohol, smoking, violence or psychosomatic illnesses.
restrain anger is bad for your health
In case of problems at work are the possible reactions to bite the bullet and move on, simmer 5 minutes and take a walk, to address the situation chest and asserting their rights or to vent anger at home with their children, wife or animal home.
Unfortunately, the reactions can not be decided at a table, each reacts according to its own character and personality, but be aware of an attitude "harmful" can certainly help to see the situation from outside and change a little bit to do so, of course as far as possible!
irascible :
Synonyms: choleric, irascible, irritable, shade, touchy, blood, peevish, bad, hysterical violent, bilious, difficult, impatient, neurotic, fegatoso
Antonyms: calm, calm, quiet lista di 15 consigli utili alla tua carriera: 1. Fai una lista delle cose che devi fare oggi/questa settimana/questo mese ecc..
2. Invia una nota di ringraziamento quando qualcuno ti aiuta
3. Esercitati sulla scrittura
7. Alza il telefono e chiama 8. Esercitati con il linguaggio 9. Renditi più presentabile
10. Valorizza i tuoi risultati
11. Interessati di cose che potrebbero tornarti utili
12. Prepara qualche intervento prima di andare in riunione
13. Esercitati nel parlare in pubblico
14. Metti in ordine la tua scrivania/il tuo ufficio
15. Immagina dove vorresti essere tra cinque anni e fai un piano per
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The Simple Dollar
L’eccessiva aggressività fa male al cuore e aumenta esponenzialmente il rischio di infarto e ictus. La prova scientifica arriva grazie a un’indagine approfondita condotta nel National Institute of Aging (Nia), parte dei National Institutes of Health (Nih). Ai fini dello studio, i ricercatori americani hanno lavorato diversi mesi in Sardegna, approfittando del corredo genetico –unico al mondo – degli abitanti dell’isola italiana.
Arrabbiarsi di tanto in tanto non è un evil indeed is human. Health is in danger when the anger becomes a fundamental component of personality. The speech - the researchers have pointed out - not only true for the Sardinians, but for the entire world population.
Holding anger is harmful to health, brooding, to keep everything inside and have it pass to cause damage to health can lead to bad habits such as alcohol, smoking, violence or psychosomatic illnesses.
restrain anger is bad for your health
In case of problems at work are the possible reactions to bite the bullet and move on, simmer 5 minutes and take a walk, to address the situation chest and asserting their rights or to vent anger at home with their children, wife or animal home.
Unfortunately, the reactions can not be decided at a table, each reacts according to its own character and personality, but be aware of an attitude "harmful" can certainly help to see the situation from outside and change a little bit to do so, of course as far as possible!
irascible :
Synonyms: choleric, irascible, irritable, shade, touchy, blood, peevish, bad, hysterical violent, bilious, difficult, impatient, neurotic, fegatoso
Antonyms: calm, calm, quiet lista di 15 consigli utili alla tua carriera: 1. Fai una lista delle cose che devi fare oggi/questa settimana/questo mese ecc..
2. Invia una nota di ringraziamento quando qualcuno ti aiuta
3. Esercitati sulla scrittura
4. Crea dei biglietti da visita professionali
5. Invia il tuo contatto a chi hai appena conosciuto
6. Suggerisci soluzioni a problemi pre-esistenti 7. Alza il telefono e chiama 8. Esercitati con il linguaggio 9. Renditi più presentabile
10. Valorizza i tuoi risultati
11. Interessati di cose che potrebbero tornarti utili
12. Prepara qualche intervento prima di andare in riunione
13. Esercitati nel parlare in pubblico
14. Metti in ordine la tua scrivania/il tuo ufficio
15. Immagina dove vorresti essere tra cinque anni e fai un piano per
Tratto da:
The Simple Dollar
Sunday, February 6, 2011
How To Make Desmume Stop Lagging
career, relationship advice
"I have probably said this before.
In the public sector the anaesthetist is king and rules the kingdom with calculated manipulation of the times between cases;
in the purely private sector the anaesthetist cleans the surgeons shoes and
washes their cars."
... “There is an amazing transformation that occurs when an anesthetist leaves the state sector for private practice. It is transformation from obstruction to grovel. In the private sector they clean the surgeons shoes, and anaesthetize anyone or thing. "(- David Dent). ...
"At Any rate, I am Convinced we must be nice to anaesthetists. I think the occasional word of encouragement, a vague query about Their family, the odd pat on the head, a bit of sandwich left over - this all helps. I mean - imagine doing what They do, day in and day out. "
"I have probably said this before.
In the public sector the anaesthetist is king and rules the kingdom with calculated manipulation of the times between cases;
in the purely private sector the anaesthetist cleans the surgeons shoes and
washes their cars."
... “There is an amazing transformation that occurs when an anesthetist leaves the state sector for private practice. It is transformation from obstruction to grovel. In the private sector they clean the surgeons shoes, and anaesthetize anyone or thing. "(- David Dent). ...
"At Any rate, I am Convinced we must be nice to anaesthetists. I think the occasional word of encouragement, a vague query about Their family, the odd pat on the head, a bit of sandwich left over - this all helps. I mean - imagine doing what They do, day in and day out. "
Friday, February 4, 2011
Zebra Print Floor Mat
anesthesiologist / surgeon abroad
another died after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Dead after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, determining the link "post-operative biliary peritonitis and death from sepsis.
another died after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Dead after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, determining the link "post-operative biliary peritonitis and death from sepsis.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Appropriate Gifts For Stroke Victims
died after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, VLC (Careggi)
2-ileal perforation during the procedure (drilling occasional, inadvertent, inadvertently and not 'notice of the injury), 3-
reoperation surgery, 4-
death after 10 days after surgery from septic shock, 5-
-if the surgeon had been less experienced blame would be more 'serious?
-if the surgeon had completed the learning curve?
-structure if it did not work like that?
-how many posts you have to do similar in structure to consider it safe?
-where are the documented complications, by type of intervention, in the structures?
-what are the guidelines?
-programmed to do many operations the surgeon to be trusted?
-those emergency measures should make the surgeon to be trusted?
-how many posts should be made to believe a reliable structure?
-and that 'the volume of planned minimum security patient?
-and that 'the minimum amount of emergency measures to define a reliable structure?
-report the number of surgeons and the number of operations of the structure ensures a learning curve for everyone?
-report the number of surgeons and the number of operations ensures the reliability of the structure '/ security of the facility?
would not be appropriate to apply the same criteria that are used for birth centers?
died after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Report of the Committee of Inquiry
... In the report of the Committee concepts are found which lead to a reflection: 1-surgery laparoscopic cholecystectomy planned 2-ileal perforation during the procedure (drilling occasional, inadvertent, inadvertently and not 'notice of the injury), 3-
reoperation surgery, 4-
death after 10 days after surgery from septic shock, 5-
surgeon (professionalita'-preparation of the surgeon) - experienced operator, 6-
learning curve,
7-intervention rate per year in the structure ( 250 per year), 8-surgery complications, statistics, and 9-complication 'was diagnosed and treated within the time and manner prescribed by the guidelines. ...
-if the surgeon had been less experienced blame would be more 'serious?
-if the surgeon had completed the learning curve?
-structure if it did not work like that?
-how many posts you have to do similar in structure to consider it safe?
-where are the documented complications, by type of intervention, in the structures?
-what are the guidelines?
-programmed to do many operations the surgeon to be trusted?
-those emergency measures should make the surgeon to be trusted?
-how many posts should be made to believe a reliable structure?
-and that 'the volume of planned minimum security patient?
-and that 'the minimum amount of emergency measures to define a reliable structure?
-report the number of surgeons and the number of operations of the structure ensures a learning curve for everyone?
-report the number of surgeons and the number of operations ensures the reliability of the structure '/ security of the facility?
would not be appropriate to apply the same criteria that are used for birth centers?
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