Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Squash Court West London

Good night, 2009!

Saluto il 2009 con cento tweet che hanno attraversato quest'anno che ho passato tra Montreal, Roma e Londra.

E che si levi il sipario sull'anno nuovo.

1. One of the beauties of Montreal: to run the risk to fall down from a friend's balcony O_O 2. Spending an hour at the swimming pool with 20 ladies in their sixties really helps me to feel like Naomi Campbell. 3. I should write "100 and more ways to take a bidet in North America". 4. Watching Pina Bausch in the movie "Habla con ella". Good night, Pina.

5. Doing pancakes with maple syrup. I'm so Canadian now.

6. Laughing An untold by the comedian Sabina Guzzanti Berlusconi.

7. Painting a song 8. Sing the last verse that was missing: "We were for centuries Downtrodden and derided. Why are not one people, we are divided."
9. Persepolis 2.0 Support Iranians. Spread the world.

10. Undressing my fb account. 11. Examines the construction of its limitations. 12. @ beppesevergnini We wanted to move a vulture in L'Aquila.

13. I refused a taxi paid by a friend to use my BIXI. This is an addiction. A kind of.

14. Everyone needs to choose His own path

15. When you're leaving a country where you lived for a little while,everybody is nice to you.It's a kind of simulation of your last days:)

16. Ghedini è la bruttezza presente in ognuno di noi.

17. My first experiment with TiltShiftMaker I like it!

18. I'm impatienly waiting the next bestseller of my beloved prime minister:"How to reach your G-spot". Mr B, save us from frigidity. Amen.

19. Crying on the metro with so good friends she doesn't want to leave.
20. Un dernier orage nous dit au revoir. Tout est tumultuex. Bonne nuit.

21. Thinking about Tomas from Brazil who used to say " Home is where the heart is. "

22. Thanks for all I've learned in this respectful country and for all the smiles you gave me, I hope to see you all soon. Bye, my friends.
23. I found enemy all around Rome is home? - Ok,now I've a BIG problem. Any advice? Is it stalking? :)
26. Ok, now Lis Quijote can go to sleep:) It's demanding to try to Have a Satisfactory customer service in Rome.

27. Alice in the street Acidland benjamasquelier @ 's blog
I'd like to laugh That Have The Mamma Roma has in her woe.

"We live with a bit of ground in the past, the joyful lies the present and the overwhelming cascade of the future. "René Char

Hello Concetta, how are you? Angelo, how are you? We are all well. 8WuSK

"Everybody wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state is to live at the expense of all. "Frederic Bastiat

Ready to camp for 15 days. Will I survive? Sardinia, I'm coming.

On Tafter Journal in September: "The district of cinema and audiovisual Montreal"

I love marshmallows Do you?

35. "In Italy we are not good at organizing the world, we are good at navigating the world ..." by a speech by @ lucadebiase # TLAB

noise not to be afraid.

and I @ _Xtiana_ we arbitrarily decided that scent is feminine, while smell is male. 38. "The beauty I want is where it all ends, that beginning in reverse, where the human disappears, and the divine dance powerfully." I. Santacroce

Nun you look angry, ca 'or sugar goes high.

# iamproudof giving up smoking cigarettes.

41. Central Park. I love in the dark. [A couple of the big Italian music] I find very interesting is the third installment of "Liquid Life" by Z. Bauman, for those who work in arts and culture sector. A must read. "I want an injection of confidence. And if something burns inside, we pretend to be toast." transhumance.


"Consumerism is an economy based on deceit, and sull'esagerazione on waste." [More Bauman, chapter V] 47. I'm not so sure That all the minth eating in your Mojito is a good idea. 48. My father Baccaiano. [The verb Baccaiano]

49. The Italians were very fond do cheers, but could not stand the sight of the truth revealed by time

50 .
If I should choose to just listen to my voice to life long, I would choose Tom Waits' voice to soothe my soul. Forever and ever.

To My grandpa Rodolfo # beatCancer
52. Vivo [I hope not for long] in a blue velvet curtains from the studio. I'm a Twitter translator:)

54. I saw houses that you humans ...

55. A people's history of the internet: From Arpanet in 1969 to today thanked all those who use 12345678 as a password to protect their wi-fi RT @ MKL "The future is already here. It 's just badly distributed." William Gibson Me llamo Elisa # but Gustan nada no me las telenovelas.
"How would you feel if you had to ask 4 million people for permission to get married?" 60. Un ritratto intimo di Alda Merini. [video] RT @ TwitLetteratura Essere o benessere? (Marcello Marchesi)
62. Sente che dentro qualcosa si è rotto. Ma stavolta è per fare spazio al nuovo. Slowly advancing.
@ Reuven_Halevi Going Faster Than a roller coaster how I feel. Everything is questioned, but I like challenges
64. rulers: the crucifix appendeteci your hypocrisy.
I know 'de pot. 66. RT la bio di @ nicola_favero "I was not afraid of the words of the violent, but of the silence of the honest."
67. Let what you love be what you do.
68. is on the road to Tunis. 'No me gusta el arte que diviniza el ombligo de quien lo practica. Me gusta el arte que sirve para sanar.' 70. C'est difficile à expliquer, l'anarchie...
71. L'Italia mi sembra un paese di ciliegine senza torta sotto. 72. Spero che l'Italia impari presto e bene il linguaggio del rispetto nel parlare delle differenze che abitano ognuno di noi. 73. « Io sono always have been like when I was not as they are and how they will not know anyone because they are not only as they are 'P. Valduga For my Twitter ladies # gudnait In writing tweets, after being on # wave, I look back with a strange feeling that someone could read my thoughts.

76. They disturbing bodies lie in the sun and the moon rising perdono ogni pudore #gudnait Facciamo luce sull'epilessia RT, please E per chi non lo avesse ancora visto "R.I.P.: A remix manifesto" di Brett Gaylor #freeculture

79. J'adore RT @ SilverPhoenix76 Ho studiato tanto per scoprire che dio non esiste. Laureateo. If Tw is half democratic, not all the tweeters seem ready to enjoy the democracy. Acuerdo de Lis. 82. I miss Montreal (via @ MagicRat )
83. A # FF heart to those who, five months ago, has guided my first Steps Tw: @ @ fmazzucato Reuven_Halevi fraska @ @ @ filippocioni rossella76 Mediterranean @ @ @ _Xtiana_ @ linux29 miss_espresso

84. I wish I had a target between the eyes to capture the expression of the stupid people who say they are married. 85. Maybe we should go down. [Interview a U.Galimberti]
86. "Sono anche questo" dice la mia nuvola.

Quelli che NON benpensano [ ] ---> My new Tw list (work in progress) 88. "Andiamo a Londra a dimagrire."
89. & the unbearable lightness of the tweet. you overcome your pain threshold? [via @ dillingertwitt]
of lives that are born.
'And you, and you, and you, Gotta Give Them Hope'
"Io non vorrei questo giorno finire e buttarmi nei cascami della notte. " [Mariangela Gualtieri] "Sono vicina ad ambienti dei social network." Grazie Bruno, questa me la rivendo nel cv. #noncirestacheridere
"Ciascuno chiama idee chiare quelle che hanno lo stesso grado di confusione delle sue." Marcel Proust hosts my reading of "They're shredded the sky" (words and voice: mine) Comments are welcome!
'Avatar' is sublime. & maintenance of the fringe. & the joy of rediscovering the beauty of your city through the eyes of a friend come from afar. understand that the only geography that matters is that your body, your memory and your feeling. # momentipositividel2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Do Portable Tvs Still Work

Help yourself. When

I ate everything il giorno
come se non avessi mai visto del cibo in vita mia.

Come se ciò di cui avessi una fame disperata,
fosse un'identità.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Milena Velba Free Fotos

Notes on Democracy (1)

This blog post was included in the April 22, 2008. They change the date so it can appear with today's date, and then be displayed on top of the blog.
The reason is due to the growing relevance of its content, as against the hypocrisy of power (political, but also big business and organized crime in an indistinguishable jumble as claimed General Fabio Mini in his book The war after the war , Einaudi 2003) nothing can be ordinary citizens, nor with the peaceful protest with either the instrument of voting, which is proving more of a farce, or at least, a ritual devoid of content and, therefore, a fortiori, a farce and a mockery to human reason.

... Finally, we will not attack the democracy on the line starting with De Maistre climbs through Nietzsche, to ... and countless others who bear the extraordinary decline of liberal democracy, especially the moral of modern society.
not decay, moral or otherwise, che ci interessa qui. Ma la coerenza. Noi crediamo che tutti i sistemi siano più o meno buoni, o che co­munque abbiano la possibilità di reggere, a se­conda che rispettino le premesse e i postulati su cui poggiano o affermano di farlo. Se questa coerenza non c'è, o viene meno, il sistema, pri­ma o poi, crolla. Non perché perda la legittimi­tà - … - ma la credenza nella sua legittimità da par­te di coloro che vi sono sottoposti.
Il féudalesimo ha funzionato discretamente per parecchi secoli, in Europa. I patti erano chiari. I contadi­ni e gli artigiani lavoravano e mantenevano la comunità, i signori, in cambio, avevano però due obblighi precisi: dovevano difendere il ter­ritorio ... And administer justice in their fiefdoms. When you delegate to others the profession of arms, leaving, in fact, their castles, and they moved to Versailles to do, imparruccati, raddled and lace, the fops, the middle class will drive them out, correctly, kicks ass.
I fear that democracy is on this road.
... Representative democracy, liberal, bourgeois, in short, the "real democracy" as we know it and live it, and that is currently dominant, it is not democracy. It is a fiction. A parody. A scam. A fraud. A scam. We define it in a brutal manner, and in a first approximation that sin to default (because, as we shall see, the reality is even worse), "a way to put it in the ass to people with his consent." (P. 29-31) According to the vulgate

elements considered essential, and minimal, for the existence of democracy are: 1) The vote must be equal. It 's the concept that the Anglo-Saxons with the couplet expressing one man, one vote, one man one vote. ... 2) The vote must be free. It must be the consequence of that is a natural choice, conscious choices between different indeed. The rulers must have a real consent of the governed. 3) Governments must be able to exercise control over and the decisions of rulers. 4) These acts must be public and transparent. 5) Compliance with predetermined procedures. 6) The equality of all citizens before the law. 7) Democracy, like almost every other system (...), rejects violence as a means to resolve political conflicts and private and replaces the first, with elections by universal suffrage and the empire of the law for the latter. (Page 52-53)

Democratic political class is made up of people whose only distinguishing factor, and tautologically, that of politics. Their legitimacy is entirely internal to the political mechanism that produced them. They are professional politicians, who live by politics and policy in the lucid and pitiless analysis of Max Weber writes that "in politics as a profession who lives tends to make a lasting source of income". ... Since there's no quality selection of pre-political nomenklatura is self-referential, purely bureaucratic apparatus is inside the party struggles through the dark, cruel, degrading and often fraudulent. Note
Tocqueville ... "In democracy ordinary citizens see a man come out of their files and come in a few years to the wealth and power, this show raises their surprise and their envy, they are looking into how he che era un loro uguale sia oggi investi­to del diritto di dirigerli». Vediamo e sentia­mo i nostri governanti simili a noi e forse, a tor­to o a ragione, peggiori di noi e li disprezziamo. Sartori scrive che «noi valutiamo gli uomini, ri­fiutiamo di obbedire a chi disprezziamo». La democrazia dimostra che è vero il contrario: si ubbidisce anche a chi si disprezza. E se la cre­denza nella legittimità del sistema democratico può restare sufficientemente alta da tenerlo in piedi, quella delle persone che concretamente lo incarnano è quasi nulla". (pag. 57-58)

(1) - Tratto da: Massimo Fini, Sudditi – Manifesto contro la democrazia , Marsilio, 2004.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kraft Creamy Italian Recipes

Crosses (with crap that get worse every year + proposal)

We are on the usual, is more than a year and I do not write on this blog, but I have to intervene for the crap you hear around this time. About the crucifix in schools that I have a semi-serious proposal, however, the League & Company may be given the status bill, cleared by the altars of hoax Kultura Di Massa.
not a great idea, but at least it is original and, of course, would serve to strengthen our Christian roots of Europe.

Yes, well, a reminder for those ... fallen from heaven (pardon: a cart of the sea) do not know where they are at that time and especially for the Saracens, these accursed Saracens who want to compete with Bagnasco.

Yes, of course, really! If you really must do battle for the corcifisso that at least one weapon it as Constantine and since it would bring a heavy and awkward size visible on him (also complain that even the mothers of the backpack boy the weigh too much when he goes to school), it is better infrastructure, the area with his presence, as in the images, maybe using the TFR, as recommended Epifani.

on buses would be ideal, because running the length and breadth of the city, provided you leave amply clear view to the driver, and then on the shelters, so those who can pray fade waiting to board, while others may meditate, then on billboards scheduling of trains and planes that just look at them all, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Shinto and understood, and, again, that there are no longer on the bus in the parking lots so when there is a row, after you get off, you could convert waiting to download, and, of course, in the houses of entertainment (including those for trans ), so as to facilitate conversions could do without being confined to a convent for months at taxpayers' expense.

The problem, however, need to be addressed for proper calibration messaggio è di natura estetica. E' meglio il crocificco di Giotto o quello di Caravaggio? O quello di Goja? O quello di Dalì?

Naturalmente, data la delicatezza della questione, ci vuole una commissione parlamentare che dia le Linee guida che, poi, varranno sviluppate da una commissione di esperti, magari in base ai luoghi di installazione (che sò? Alla stazione centrale di Milano, visto che è vagamente all'antica si potrebbe mettere un Goja, mentre a Roma Termini parrebbe meglio un Dalì).

E poi c'è anche una proposta più ... diciamo ... di minima. Cioè lasciarlo stare dov'era due millenni fa, azzerando due millenni di fraintendimenti.

Perchè, it is true, Hegel (*) Padania is not widely read, nor in the rest of the clergy, but he said that the phrase "Do not look for me because I will be among the dead among the living Jesus of Nazareth meant that he, that is, the sacred, the mystery is in all living beings, pigs (such as the League of Filth) and including chicory, and not as the Church says that he would be resurrected. If

"crucified" means "one who was crucified" (past participle of the verb crucify, or "put on the cross") would seem like a macabre flavor to hoist a banner that guides a people or, at least , a mass of people. If you are going to simply
the cross, that is, two wooden poles in the shape of a cross, I can still taste the most gruesome, as the proponents of this "symbol" refers to an instrument of torture and, therefore, death.
that the set of "cross" and "crucified" were paradigm of a society that has its roots in the darkest Middle Ages and in the most cruel history of the Inquisition, at least until 1800 by the counter, I do not think a " value "that can be placed at the foundation of European culture. It would also be a dark warning to those who are neither Christian religion, much less Catholics.
And these days, if it seems desirable behavior generally, it seems to be that of tolerance, discussion and debate, not the symbols or hoisting plant fences and walls.

(*) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Lectures on the Philosophy of History , Laterza, Bari, 2003, pp. 265-282.