We are on the usual, is more than a year and I do not write on this blog, but I have to intervene for the crap you hear around this time. About the crucifix in schools that I have a semi-serious proposal, however, the League & Company may be given the status bill, cleared by the altars of hoax Kultura Di Massa.
not a great idea, but at least it is original and, of course, would serve to strengthen our Christian roots of Europe.

Yes, well, a reminder for those ... fallen from heaven (pardon: a cart of the sea) do not know where they are at that time and especially for the Saracens, these accursed Saracens who want to compete with Bagnasco.

Yes, of course, really! If you really must do battle for the corcifisso that at least one weapon it
on buses would be ideal, because running the length and breadth of the city, provided you leave amply clear view to the driver, and then on the shelters, so those who can pray fade waiting to board, while others may meditate, then on billboards scheduling of trains and planes that just look at them all, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Shinto and understood, and, again, that there are no longer on the bus in the parking lots so when there is a row, after you get off, you could convert waiting to download, and, of course, in the houses of entertainment (including those for trans ), so as to facilitate conversions could do without being confined to a convent for months at taxpayers' expense.
The problem, however, need to be addressed for proper calibration messaggio è di natura estetica. E' meglio il crocificco di Giotto o quello di Caravaggio? O quello di Goja? O quello di Dalì?
Naturalmente, data la delicatezza della questione, ci vuole una commissione parlamentare che dia le Linee guida che, poi, varranno sviluppate da una commissione di esperti, magari in base ai luoghi di installazione (che sò? Alla stazione centrale di Milano, visto che è vagamente all'antica si potrebbe mettere un Goja, mentre a Roma Termini parrebbe meglio un Dalì).
E poi c'è anche una proposta più ... diciamo ... di minima. Cioè lasciarlo stare dov'era due millenni fa, azzerando due millenni di fraintendimenti.
Perchè, it is true, Hegel (*) Padania is not widely read, nor in the rest of the clergy, but he said that the phrase "Do not look for me because I will be among the dead among the living Jesus of Nazareth meant that he, that is, the sacred, the mystery is in all living beings, pigs (such as the League of Filth) and including chicory, and not as the Church says that he would be resurrected. If
"crucified" means "one who was crucified" (past participle of the verb crucify, or "put on the cross") would seem like a macabre flavor to hoist a banner that guides a people or, at least , a mass of people. If you are going to simply
the cross, that is, two wooden poles in the shape of a cross, I can still taste the most gruesome, as the proponents of this "symbol" refers to an instrument of torture and, therefore, death.
that the set of "cross" and "crucified" were paradigm of a society that has its roots in the darkest Middle Ages and in the most cruel history of the Inquisition, at least until 1800 by the counter, I do not think a " value "that can be placed at the foundation of European culture. It would also be a dark warning to those who are neither Christian religion, much less Catholics.
And these days, if it seems desirable behavior generally, it seems to be that of tolerance, discussion and debate, not the symbols or hoisting plant fences and walls.
(*) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Lectures on the Philosophy of History , Laterza, Bari, 2003, pp. 265-282.
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