This blog post was included in the April 22, 2008. They change the date so it can appear with today's date, and then be displayed on top of the blog.
The reason is due to the growing relevance of its content, as against the hypocrisy of power (political, but also big business and organized crime in an indistinguishable jumble as claimed General Fabio Mini in his book The war after the war , Einaudi 2003) nothing can be ordinary citizens, nor with the peaceful protest with either the instrument of voting, which is proving more of a farce, or at least, a ritual devoid of content and, therefore, a fortiori, a farce and a mockery to human reason.

not decay, moral or otherwise, che ci interessa qui. Ma la coerenza. Noi crediamo che tutti i sistemi siano più o meno buoni, o che comunque abbiano la possibilità di reggere, a seconda che rispettino le premesse e i postulati su cui poggiano o affermano di farlo. Se questa coerenza non c'è, o viene meno, il sistema, prima o poi, crolla. Non perché perda la legittimità - … - ma la credenza nella sua legittimità da parte di coloro che vi sono sottoposti.
Il féudalesimo ha funzionato discretamente per parecchi secoli, in Europa. I patti erano chiari. I contadini e gli artigiani lavoravano e mantenevano la comunità, i signori, in cambio, avevano però due obblighi precisi: dovevano difendere il territorio ... And administer justice in their fiefdoms. When you delegate to others the profession of arms, leaving, in fact, their castles, and they moved to Versailles to do, imparruccati, raddled and lace, the fops, the middle class will drive them out, correctly, kicks ass.
I fear that democracy is on this road.
... Representative democracy, liberal, bourgeois, in short, the "real democracy" as we know it and live it, and that is currently dominant, it is not democracy. It is a fiction. A parody. A scam. A fraud. A scam. We define it in a brutal manner, and in a first approximation that sin to default (because, as we shall see, the reality is even worse), "a way to put it in the ass to people with his consent." (P. 29-31) According to the vulgate
elements considered essential, and minimal, for the existence of democracy are: 1) The vote must be equal. It 's the concept that the Anglo-Saxons with the couplet expressing one man, one vote, one man one vote. ... 2) The vote must be free. It must be the consequence of that is a natural choice, conscious choices between different indeed. The rulers must have a real consent of the governed. 3) Governments must be able to exercise control over and the decisions of rulers. 4) These acts must be public and transparent. 5) Compliance with predetermined procedures. 6) The equality of all citizens before the law. 7) Democracy, like almost every other system (...), rejects violence as a means to resolve political conflicts and private and replaces the first, with elections by universal suffrage and the empire of the law for the latter. (Page 52-53)
Democratic political class is made up of people whose only distinguishing factor, and tautologically, that of politics. Their legitimacy is entirely internal to the political mechanism that produced them. They are professional politicians, who live by politics and policy in the lucid and pitiless analysis of Max Weber writes that "in politics as a profession who lives tends to make a lasting source of income". ... Since there's no quality selection of pre-political nomenklatura is self-referential, purely bureaucratic apparatus is inside the party struggles through the dark, cruel, degrading and often fraudulent. Note
Tocqueville ... "In democracy ordinary citizens see a man come out of their files and come in a few years to the wealth and power, this show raises their surprise and their envy, they are looking into how he che era un loro uguale sia oggi investito del diritto di dirigerli». Vediamo e sentiamo i nostri governanti simili a noi e forse, a torto o a ragione, peggiori di noi e li disprezziamo. Sartori scrive che «noi valutiamo gli uomini, rifiutiamo di obbedire a chi disprezziamo». La democrazia dimostra che è vero il contrario: si ubbidisce anche a chi si disprezza. E se la credenza nella legittimità del sistema democratico può restare sufficientemente alta da tenerlo in piedi, quella delle persone che concretamente lo incarnano è quasi nulla". (pag. 57-58)
(1) - Tratto da: Massimo Fini, Sudditi – Manifesto contro la democrazia , Marsilio, 2004.
Il féudalesimo ha funzionato discretamente per parecchi secoli, in Europa. I patti erano chiari. I contadini e gli artigiani lavoravano e mantenevano la comunità, i signori, in cambio, avevano però due obblighi precisi: dovevano difendere il territorio ... And administer justice in their fiefdoms. When you delegate to others the profession of arms, leaving, in fact, their castles, and they moved to Versailles to do, imparruccati, raddled and lace, the fops, the middle class will drive them out, correctly, kicks ass.
I fear that democracy is on this road.
... Representative democracy, liberal, bourgeois, in short, the "real democracy" as we know it and live it, and that is currently dominant, it is not democracy. It is a fiction. A parody. A scam. A fraud. A scam. We define it in a brutal manner, and in a first approximation that sin to default (because, as we shall see, the reality is even worse), "a way to put it in the ass to people with his consent." (P. 29-31) According to the vulgate
elements considered essential, and minimal, for the existence of democracy are: 1) The vote must be equal. It 's the concept that the Anglo-Saxons with the couplet expressing one man, one vote, one man one vote. ... 2) The vote must be free. It must be the consequence of that is a natural choice, conscious choices between different indeed. The rulers must have a real consent of the governed. 3) Governments must be able to exercise control over and the decisions of rulers. 4) These acts must be public and transparent. 5) Compliance with predetermined procedures. 6) The equality of all citizens before the law. 7) Democracy, like almost every other system (...), rejects violence as a means to resolve political conflicts and private and replaces the first, with elections by universal suffrage and the empire of the law for the latter. (Page 52-53)
Democratic political class is made up of people whose only distinguishing factor, and tautologically, that of politics. Their legitimacy is entirely internal to the political mechanism that produced them. They are professional politicians, who live by politics and policy in the lucid and pitiless analysis of Max Weber writes that "in politics as a profession who lives tends to make a lasting source of income". ... Since there's no quality selection of pre-political nomenklatura is self-referential, purely bureaucratic apparatus is inside the party struggles through the dark, cruel, degrading and often fraudulent. Note
Tocqueville ... "In democracy ordinary citizens see a man come out of their files and come in a few years to the wealth and power, this show raises their surprise and their envy, they are looking into how he che era un loro uguale sia oggi investito del diritto di dirigerli». Vediamo e sentiamo i nostri governanti simili a noi e forse, a torto o a ragione, peggiori di noi e li disprezziamo. Sartori scrive che «noi valutiamo gli uomini, rifiutiamo di obbedire a chi disprezziamo». La democrazia dimostra che è vero il contrario: si ubbidisce anche a chi si disprezza. E se la credenza nella legittimità del sistema democratico può restare sufficientemente alta da tenerlo in piedi, quella delle persone che concretamente lo incarnano è quasi nulla". (pag. 57-58)
(1) - Tratto da: Massimo Fini, Sudditi – Manifesto contro la democrazia , Marsilio, 2004.
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