Ne consiglio la lettura a pochi, con escluzione dei principianti di queste cose, poichè sembra tutto un paradosso, ma per capirlo ci vuole tatto e intuito e una bella dose di capacità di ... lettura ... appunto, ma non di lettura di un libro, ma di lettura della realtà, il che è più arduo che ever in recent decades we have seen attached to the nonsense of fiction and accommodating routine of commonplace and prevalent, that one who has practiced '68 (lasting up to 77) are as vitriolic acid on a hand.
To no great effort, in addition, allow me to return from a blog extract from a song on the topic:
" Beware of those who licks his ass (...). Beware of those who seek easy consensus, especially if he makes it appear deceptively when cornered, and instead revolutionaries are even more simple, simplistic and overused. And then, almost always, have little to share. Just analyze a bit 'more closely.
Avoid those who use convenient targets vulgate that wants (or believes, indeed, pretends - or rather, the illusion) that they are uncomfortable.
The actor who comes on stage and says things that sound at once just and sacrosanct about the political situation, with which one can not be instinctively agree, the passionate orator who unleashes a heartfelt applause, the lover dreamer; are the first of which there must never be trusted. Neither of them, nor the goodness of what they say. Most of the time, are common places that have not yet been recognized as such, and then you are still convinced that the truth, when they are just lies. "
But, you know! Those are anarchists and exaggerate. But a lot of things they say are condivisibilissime are authentic even if the alleged autonomy of thought of the people, which is not realistic, so much so that Nietzsche's superman was invented to exorcise the 'horror of conformity.

Ora, se prendiamo queste due - diciamo - qualità , che possono essere riscontrate anche contemporameamente in una stessa persona, e facciamo una "analisi delle combinazioni", ci rendiamo conto della grande varietà di figure presenti nel genere umano.
Se la persona normale la indichiamo con "N", il leccaculo lo indichiamo con "L" e lo stronzo con "S", abbiamo le seguenti combinazioni:
A me pare che non ve ne siano altre, ma vado "a braccio" perchè non conosco la teoria del calcolo combinatorio e, dunque, per ora, mi accontento the results show.
Who are these people? The first
, ie NNN, you could say it is a piece of bread, "of great goodness, that gets along with everyone, that would never even hurt a fly, or even to his death from scamparsela , which has "principles" absolute, or nearly so, to which it relates, which is not completely controllable: therefore, a jerk. But beware! It could also be a saint, a subject with a higher vision, which paradigms in the areas of understanding difficult to imagine.
The second, namely the NNL, or NNS (types that can be connected together), is the type that covers 90-95% of the human species: a normal person with some difettuccio employing appropriate in the circumstances to force a little bit the situation that puts him well or to get some benefit eligible, but generally not at the expense of others, a person with whom a compromise is possible or some "complicity" on certain issues, a person prone to friends and loves, a person who is a friend if you can not be bothered, and if your enemy is to some extent, however, respect. So a lovely person almost. A person who has an active role in society, with which you can also talk about issues and from which in the end we are left with some views in common. The third
, Namely the NLL, or NSS (variations on the way, but equal to the intensity) is the type that can be recognized at first sight. The NLL is approaching you, even licking the shoes, and even if thou hast track a dog shit two minutes ago (with all due respect for the dogs, which I love), crawls like a worm in order to obtain what they need from you. While the NSS will now deal with some spoloquio that the fact would not even imagine, and, therefore, apparently totally free, making you look because you are inadequate or in default, and that in order to lower your dignity and force (if there helmets ) to do what he needs. The NLS and the NSL are a mixture of the other two and it depends on what prevails in loro quando si alzano al mattino, o come intendono impostare l'approccio con l'altro: se è un superiore prevarrà il leccare, se è un inferiore prevarrà lo stronzo. Di questo terzo tipo ce ne sono molti (sempre nell'ambito di quel 5-10%) o, meglio, ce ne sono sempre abbastanza anche nelle organizzazioni piccole per rovinarti la giornata se li incroci e, dunque, è meglio starci assolutamente alla larga, far finta di non averli visti o, se proprio vi hanno visto che li avete visti, accennare ad un sorriso, ma non troppo espansivo se no si sentono autorizzati ad "attaccare bottone", anche se non hanno niente per la testa verso di te. In questo terzo tipo esiste, comunque, una componente di normalità che, però, prevale not often, and when it prevails seems to be confronted with one of the second type, then a quite acceptable, but be aware that during the interview may unexpectedly prevailed on the third type, and then you eat elbows for thinking, "I knew that this was so, but I have fallen and there are deluded. "
The fourth, namely the LLS, LSS, SSL, SSL (four types that are similar and blend together) do not even have a small component of normality and, therefore, after the first approaches learned to stay away ever, because their "quality" are expressed well beyond the approach we took with you, and will continue without your knowledge with other people to put in a bad light, and that they will always, with whatever reason, accepting with respect to some aspect of all blame, so if their partner fell there will understand when you meet him: turn up your nose and you dodge as if you had done something to him.
The fifth is the maximum. This is the type of the type SSS and LLL, but similar in the intensity of their being profoundly different way. The type LLL dragging always complaining about everything and praise for your "high quality". It does not take long to realize that this is a perfect opportunity: Do not move hay if you do not get paid, and creates situations where the pander to all kinds of people and their opposites. Se è "di sinistra" (per quanto il termine oggi significhi poca cosa), fa il filo anche ad uno di destra, dicendo che, in fondo, si è sbagliato ad esserlo e che invece ora è fermamente convinto della idea del suo interlocutore. Se è "di destra", idem. Il tipo SSS sprizza fuoco di stronzità ad ogni poro della pelle, sia in vostra presenza che in vostra assenza e, in più, è capace di estrinsecare questa "qualità" in pubblico, cioè alla platea che in quel momento la circostanza gli regala come podio per sibilare ai quattro venti i suoi "pareri", e se la circostanza non gli fornisce un podio allora lui se lo crea, attaccando bottone con tutti con comizi e micro-assemblee estemporanee, e andrà alla ricerca of that podium where he will be praised (if one falls) as the savior of his country.
This is the situation that occurs in organizations, that figured in the places where people converge to "make ends meet." It does not take long to realize that the fourth and fifth kind of person are highly damaging to the good performance of the organization and that are causing the damage that the issues resolved.
And this is the situation that presents the Art Institute in Ancona, where I teach more than 25 years, and where, except the first, 95% of the people is the second type. But what about the third, fourth and fifth guy? Unfortunately, even here the 5% remaining (For those who love statistics) is of the greatest harm, and have plunged the school into a sort of circle of hell where, after the first infatuation with the art, getting away on foot uplifted, especially the leaders who, in recent 15 years, there have been at the average rate of 1.5 years each, with their great Goduria types that fall into that 5%.
could make 5 listings and divide the employees, especially teachers, according to its type, but this leaves the reader inside the school, its staff compilation.
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