Le più recenti vicende afgane sembrano ricalcare quella storia. Inquinamento a base di proiettili di uranio impoverito (sic!), festini in caserma a base di sesso e frustino, droga per consumo militare interno e commercio internazionale di droga sotto la supervisione delle truppe.
Ci dicono che le truppe USA che compaiono in certi video di YouTube nei campi di oppio in Afganistan sono presenti per supervisionare la distruzione delle colture o dei raccolti affinchè non prendano la strada dell'esportazione clandestina verso l'occidente, ma non è vero.
Questo sito ne testimonia l'opposto, e cioè che le truppe USA supervisionano le coltivazioni nelle varie fasi, dalla semina, alla crescita delle piantine, alla maturazione fino al raccolto e, oltre, fino al magazzinamento e alla tassazione dei proventi, nonchè la produzione degli stupefacanti.
Lo avrebbe affermato nel novembre 2009 il ministro afgano della Counter Narcotics General Khodaidad Khodaidad , that " most of the crops are stored in two provinces controlled by the troops of the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. He also said that NATO forces taxing opium production in areas under their control and that foreign troops are earning money from drug production in Afghanistan .
Moreover, a recent UN report states that " Afghan opium is having a devastating impact on the world, killing thousands of people in consumer countries .
There is no need to remember what the 'opium , nor that it is obtained morphine, and this is obtained 's heroin.
lucubrate is not the case here, the effects of these drugs, just the shock confession Francesca on YouTube, or that other testimony , more cruel than the last, and the others that you can see on that page web.
Our country has faced this issue with care, that is trying the path of "minimal social damage" because the side effects are crimes such as theft or drug dealing that serve the consumer in order to finance the daily doses.
disease, the paradox of public health, is usually detected by law enforcement officials who seek to inform the Prefect, who, after having removed documents such as passports, identity cards and driver's license, requires the controlled administration of drugs to methadone and Subutex in public health facilities such as SERT specialized in the treatment of addiction to drugs .
If the agent finds him a daily dose you started at the SERT, if there is more you started to prison because they consider drug dealers. It 's the law, son! The 1975 law revised in tone from forcaiolo Fini Giovanardi in 2006.
Easy! No? O t'accontenti drug state or go to jail. It does not matter if it is a rod or a pear.
Nothing is ever said, however, hit on the big criminal organizations that flank the troops that I mentioned earlier, in a kind of conciliation which has to do well in politics and multinational corporations (see Fabio Mini, The war after the war , Einaudi 2003, pp. 294 , € 14.00).
Nothing is said about the reasons that lead young people to become a consumer, on the collapse of values, on the paradigms that are presented as 'winners': smarts, corruption, scarring of the collective, etc. .. Read
Andreoli Vittorini's book to get an overview of the drugs neli last 50 years is an experience I recommend to young people and parents, and of course the operators of the communities, SERT, delle scuole e delle associazioni giovanili in genere.
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