The one-stop shop for production activities becomes computerized. On March 21, 2011 , companies wishing to start a business in Verbano Cusio Ossola can do so by communicating with the OSS in municipal digital mode. Businesses have access to online services offered by OSS WEB VCO, the portal from the Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Infocamere, with the municipalities of Verbania, Domodossola, Omega, Responsible for the management
associated with the OSS and Administration Provincial.
associated with the OSS and Administration Provincial.
-stop shops, through the portal, companies can offer services in digital mode are the OSS Associates of Verbano Cusio of Domodossola and, ultimately, also of Stresa. The City of Stresa
, leader of a new association of municipalities to manage the OSS, gave it its recent accession to the portal and local marketing agreement that brings together over ten years, the municipalities leader of the OSS, the Chamber of Commerce and the Province of Verbano Cusio Ossola.
The OSS Associates, which refer to the towns of Verbania, Domodossola and Stresa Omegna, currently has more than 55 municipalities, for a total of 130,000 residents and 13,000 businesses. The portal will allow companies wishing to settle in the territory of one of the participating municipalities, with web access to information needed to start a business and to present the points of single-mode electronic reports login , requests for permits and project papers digitally signed.
The announcement of the forthcoming launch of the digital platform for enterprises have been given this morning at the press conference held at the headquarters of the Chamber of Baveno, in the presence of Tarcisio Ruschetti, president of the Chamber of Commerce, Sergio Pella, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Verbania, Luigi Songa, Councillor for Productive Activities of the Municipality of Omega, Simona Pelgantini, Councillor for Productive Activities of the City of Domodossola, Canio Di Milia, Mayor of Stresa.
Verbano Cusio Ossola comes in advance of the deadlines imposed by the legislature with the Presidential Decree 160 of 2010. The decree provides that as from March 29 to open any business, trade or other type subject to Shah (Reporting certified logon) will be required to send one-stop municipal Only on the internet, reporting, together with the certificates of qualified technicians. For all other cases of construction or modification of production facilities not certified to be reported starting work, the only obligation of the procedure and the abolition of electronic paperwork taken from 1 October 2011. The portal of the OSS Associates provides the VCO to companies and consultants qualified and authenticated access via a smart card and CNS.
A "virtual desk" will enable consultants and professionals to create practical telematics (certified records of logins and authorization requests), to attach assertions made in AutoCAD and construction documents, to digitally sign and send to the municipal one-stop shop. The platform will offer advanced services using IT systems and integration: a high-speed network and high safety standards, in line with the code of the digital and the link with the computerized National Registry of Companies and services in interoperability and cooperation application provided by the government, access to interactive forms and information on production activities. With Web Suap VCO technology is at the service of companies and administrative innovation, and clear rules to ensure consistent and reliable information and transparent. An integrated document management and use of advanced technological tools under the Digital Administration Code (digital signature, protocol, storage under and certified electronic mail) allows cities to manage information flows and processes totally dematerialized. The experimental project of the Electronic One Stop Shop was started in 2009 by the Chamber of Commerce, Municipality of Verbania, Domodossola, Omega, and the Provincial Administration under the table of the Provincial Co-stop shops to meet the needs of business simplification, transparency and certainty of timing of administrative action. A process of building the architecture of the electronic one-stop shop that saw the active participation of all stakeholders in the process of establishment of productive activities (institutions, companies and professionals) and in particular the involvement of local interested parties.
The route made the organization has seen numerous times for information and training programs for representatives of the institutions involved (municipalities and agencies interests), professional and economic categories. The next scheduled meeting will be held Wednesday, March 16, 2011, at the headquarters of the Chamber, by Infocamere, entitled "The Shah and the automated procedure and will take place in two sessions, one in the morning, addressed to all common territory and, in pomeriggio, rivolta ai rappresentanti degli Ordini professionali e delle Associazioni. La piattaforma tecnologica è il frutto di un lavoro corale realizzato da Infocamere, società del sistema camerale che promuove la dematerializzazione dei servizi alle imprese, con il contributo della Camera di Commercio del VCO, dello Sportello Unico di Verbania e di un pool di professionisti sperimentatori, rappresentanti delle categorie professionali dei geometri, ingegneri e architetti, che hanno implementato, arricchito e personalizzato l’applicativo web a partire da un primo lavoro portato avanti dal Comune di Livorno.
L’intento del sistema degli Sportelli Unici Associati del VCO è oggi quello di mettere a disposizione del territorio e delle imprese uno strumento tecnologico e informativo capace di facilitare l’accesso ai servizi offerti dalla pubblica amministrazione, garantendo tempi certi di risposta e regole chiare e trasparenti per l’esercizio dell’attività. Una piattaforma tecnologica che si propone anche come modello organizzativo, capace di favorire l’aggregazione e la collaborazione tra istituzioni, categorie economiche e professionali. Lo Sportello unico Telematico può diventare, sotto il profilo del governo e della valorizzazione del territorio, lo strumento per promuovere e rafforzare un approccio di sistema capace di mettere a valore conoscenze ed eccellenze. Un’opportunità che la Camera di Commercio, con i Comuni Capofila di Verbania, Domodossola e Omegna and with the Provincial Administration intend to offer to the territory and particularly to all the municipalities that demonstrate willingness to comply with existing web forms that seek to establish new ones. The shared objective is to subscribe with business and land a deal with the efficiency and quality of services and ensuring the company saves time and money, and thus a competitive advantage. For information and insights on the OSS platform WEB VCO and the provincial system of OSS Associates, please contact the Chamber of Commerce of Verbania, Territorial Development Service, tel. 0323/912.805, mail sviluppo.territorio @, site.
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