Proseguono gli appuntamenti del venerdì con gli " Incontri Culturali di Stresa 2010/2011 " organizzati dall' Assessorato alla Cultura (tutti ad ingresso libero ), che si terranno presso il Distretto Turistico dei Laghi in Corso Italia, 18. Il tema di venerdì 18 marzo alle ore 21.00 sarà “ Cellule staminali: una verità o tante? E’ la conferenza conclusiva della rassegna 201-2011 and is an unmissable event for both the topic and because the bill is presented by prof. Giuseppe Remuzzi, one of the most
world renowned scientists in research on rare diseases .
world renowned scientists in research on rare diseases .
In 2005 Professor Remuzzi was awarded the Jean Hamburger, the most important recognition of the nephrology world. In 2007, the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) awarded him the John P. Peters Award, an award dedicated to those who have brought fundamental contributions to nephrology research.
In August 2008 he was awarded the title of Professor Honoris Causa from the Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina.
He is the author of 990 publications in international journals and 13 books on nephrology. 470 works presented at international conferences on topics of Nephrology and Transplantation.
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