Monday, October 12, 2009

1994 Suzuki Intruder 800 Review

4:09 a.m. to 20 years believed

Che i capelli lunghi mi rendessero donna.

E che sorridere fosse il modo più rapido
per far arrivare la felicità.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Silver Labrador Weimaraner


In quella piegha della notte
in cui le ore scorrono con la disinvoltura dei minuti,
riparo i miei thoughts from a viral decay
hill and my hands upon me as if I were you.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

How Much Do People Get Paid In Japan

What is clear.

That is clear.

I should not be so hasty in defining
takeoff and landing strip. Detachment. The discovery.
yield the most sublime feelings of love and loss.

then I should look euphoria
awareness that everything is evanescent. The tears, the kisses, the rant.
Without guidance, the road it is intriguing and quite steep.

Here, it is clear. I did not want to run.
But I thought the fastest way to collect the embrace of the valley.
I have enjoyed, it is true, many times.
But the momentum, the rush, the speed I have filled the eyes of the earth.

I have not tasted the intensity of blue light that spread to sunset.
And I shook a few hands with the desire to sniff.
Snow, I have not eaten, nor tossed, nor loved.

Now that this place is a new place.
Che si chiama come me.
The epileptic reverie fatta persona.
Posso frenare questa corsa, questo tonfo,
questa vertigine paurosa fatta di accenti e interpretazioni.

Voglio procedere con la lentezza propria di un altro tempo.
Voglio deglutire ad ogni pausa del cielo che mi sormonterà.

Sono pronta. L., Andrò.