Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Untag A Tag In Facebook

ERAS-Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS = Fast Track Surgery)


Development of the NOTSS (Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons) behavior rating system.
Non-technical skills are defined as "Behavioral Aspects of performance in the operating theater
Which underpin medical expertise, use of equipment and drugs." They are the
cognitive and interpersonal skills which underpin clinical and technical skills and are The NOTSS system was developed and tested under funding from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and NHS Education for Scotland, from 2003-2007. The project was run by the University of Aberdeen, with a steering group of surgeons, psychologists and an anaesthetist. ...............................................................................

The aim of the NOTSS project was to develop and test an educational system for assessment and training based on observed skills in the intraoperative phase of surgery. The system was developed from the bottom up with subject matter experts (consultant surgeons), instead of adapting existing frameworks used in other industries. We thought it was important to understand the unique aspects of non-technical skills in surgery, and not to assume that the non-technical
skills identified for pilots, nuclear power controllers or anaesthetists would be exactly
mirrored in surgeons. The NOTSS system is in surgical language for suitably trained surgeons

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What To Do Sitting At Home Women

NOTSS for trainees in general surgery


Friday, December 24, 2010

How Much Music Can A Blackberry Hold i giovani sapessero..., se i vecchi potessero.....

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Throat Hurts In The Morning And In The Evening

Digital Cards ... the sad reality 'everyday ...


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Employees Of A Discount Appliance Store Receive

Equal opportunity?

King and Queen on their fine horses, birds,
equal opportunities - it seems - at least in the Middle Ages,
socialism for the rich, liberalism for the poor.
's the story that is repeated, beauty!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Lh Surge And Pregnancy

Vietnam-istan (versus:

In recent years, U.S. military intervention in Vietnam, which may not even be called war, feeling the smell of defeat, the U.S. military upset the ecological balance of country with all sorts of long-term pollutants, sprayed from the sky to cover as many areas as possible, according to that, unable to take possession of the country, "Samson die with the Philistines all . In those years the U.S. military took care of the recreation center for their soldiers on leave short and located in Thailand (neutral in this conflict) al ridosso del confine vietnamita, nei quali la droga era una delle motivazioni della ricreazione, oltre al sesso mercenario (vedi anche: Vittorino Andreoli, La testa piena di droga , BUR 2008, pp. 772, € 15,00, alle pp. 32-33). Poi si sa come è andata a finire: che i vietcong misero in fuga l'esercito "più potente del mondo", ma rimasero con il cerino in mano dell'inquinamento, per il quale ancora oggi nascono bambini deformi a migliaia ogni anno.

Le più recenti vicende afgane sembrano ricalcare quella storia. Inquinamento a base di proiettili di uranio impoverito (sic!), festini in caserma a base di sesso e frustino, droga per consumo militare interno e commercio internazionale di droga sotto la supervisione delle truppe.

Ci dicono che le truppe USA che compaiono in certi video di YouTube nei campi di oppio in Afganistan sono presenti per supervisionare la distruzione delle colture o dei raccolti affinchè non prendano la strada dell'esportazione clandestina verso l'occidente, ma non è vero.
Questo sito ne testimonia l'opposto, e cioè che le truppe USA supervisionano le coltivazioni nelle varie fasi, dalla semina, alla crescita delle piantine, alla maturazione fino al raccolto e, oltre, fino al magazzinamento e alla tassazione dei proventi, nonchè la produzione degli stupefacanti.
Lo avrebbe affermato nel novembre 2009 il ministro afgano della Counter Narcotics General Khodaidad Khodaidad , that " most of the crops are stored in two provinces controlled by the troops of the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada. He also said that NATO forces taxing opium production in areas under their control and that foreign troops are earning money from drug production in Afghanistan .
Moreover, a recent UN report states that " Afghan opium is having a devastating impact on the world, killing thousands of people in consumer countries .
There is no need to remember what the 'opium , nor that it is obtained morphine, and this is obtained 's heroin.
lucubrate is not the case here, the effects of these drugs, just the shock confession Francesca on YouTube, or that other testimony , more cruel than the last, and the others that you can see on that page web.

Our country has faced this issue with care, that is trying the path of "minimal social damage" because the side effects are crimes such as theft or drug dealing that serve the consumer in order to finance the daily doses.
disease, the paradox of public health, is usually detected by law enforcement officials who seek to inform the Prefect, who, after having removed documents such as passports, identity cards and driver's license, requires the controlled administration of drugs to methadone and Subutex in public health facilities such as SERT specialized in the treatment of addiction to drugs .
If the agent finds him a daily dose you started at the SERT, if there is more you started to prison because they consider drug dealers. It 's the law, son! The 1975 law revised in tone from forcaiolo Fini Giovanardi in 2006.
Easy! No? O t'accontenti drug state or go to jail. It does not matter if it is a rod or a pear.

Nothing is ever said, however, hit on the big criminal organizations that flank the troops that I mentioned earlier, in a kind of conciliation which has to do well in politics and multinational corporations (see Fabio Mini, The war after the war , Einaudi 2003, pp. 294 , € 14.00).
Nothing is said about the reasons that lead young people to become a consumer, on the collapse of values, on the paradigms that are presented as 'winners': smarts, corruption, scarring of the collective, etc. .. Read

Andreoli Vittorini's book to get an overview of the drugs neli last 50 years is an experience I recommend to young people and parents, and of course the operators of the communities, SERT, delle scuole e delle associazioni giovanili in genere.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Jaguar S Type Radio Removal

The leccaculo and strontium

C'è un bel libro che merita gli allori della modernità: Richard Stengel, MANUALE DEL LECCACULO (sottotitolo: Teoria e storia di un'arte sottile ), Fazi Editore, Roma 2001, € 9,50. Allego copertine ed indice.
Ne consiglio la lettura a pochi, con escluzione dei principianti di queste cose, poichè sembra tutto un paradosso, ma per capirlo ci vuole tatto e intuito e una bella dose di capacità di ... lettura ... appunto, ma non di lettura di un libro, ma di lettura della realtà, il che è più arduo che ever in recent decades we have seen attached to the nonsense of fiction and accommodating routine of commonplace and prevalent, that one who has practiced '68 (lasting up to 77) are as vitriolic acid on a hand.
To no great effort, in addition, allow me to return from a blog extract from a song on the topic:
" Beware of those who licks his ass (...). Beware of those who seek easy consensus, especially if he makes it appear deceptively when cornered, and instead revolutionaries are even more simple, simplistic and overused. And then, almost always, have little to share. Just analyze a bit 'more closely.
Avoid those who use convenient targets vulgate that wants (or believes, indeed, pretends - or rather, the illusion) that they are uncomfortable.
The actor who comes on stage and says things that sound at once just and sacrosanct about the political situation, with which one can not be instinctively agree, the passionate orator who unleashes a heartfelt applause, the lover dreamer; are the first of which there must never be trusted. Neither of them, nor the goodness of what they say. Most of the time, are common places that have not yet been recognized as such, and then you are still convinced that the truth, when they are just lies. "
But, you know! Those are anarchists and exaggerate. But a lot of things they say are condivisibilissime are authentic even if the alleged autonomy of thought of the people, which is not realistic, so much so that Nietzsche's superman was invented to exorcise the 'horror of conformity.

And then there's the shit. Another fine book (inspired by Anglo-Saxon sociology) by Rupert Sutton, professor of management at Stanford Engineering School, who in his The Asshole Method ( Italian translation: METHOD ANTISTRONZI , Elliot Edizioni) speaks at length and in a very "scientific" ( blog to visit, among many others).

Ora, se prendiamo queste due - diciamo - qualità , che possono essere riscontrate anche contemporameamente in una stessa persona, e facciamo una "analisi delle combinazioni", ci rendiamo conto della grande varietà di figure presenti nel genere umano.
Se la persona normale la indichiamo con "N", il leccaculo lo indichiamo con "L" e lo stronzo con "S", abbiamo le seguenti combinazioni:
A me pare che non ve ne siano altre, ma vado "a braccio" perchè non conosco la teoria del calcolo combinatorio e, dunque, per ora, mi accontento the results show.
Who are these people? The first
, ie NNN, you could say it is a piece of bread, "of great goodness, that gets along with everyone, that would never even hurt a fly, or even to his death from scamparsela , which has "principles" absolute, or nearly so, to which it relates, which is not completely controllable: therefore, a jerk. But beware! It could also be a saint, a subject with a higher vision, which paradigms in the areas of understanding difficult to imagine.
The second, namely the NNL, or NNS (types that can be connected together), is the type that covers 90-95% of the human species: a normal person with some difettuccio employing appropriate in the circumstances to force a little bit the situation that puts him well or to get some benefit eligible, but generally not at the expense of others, a person with whom a compromise is possible or some "complicity" on certain issues, a person prone to friends and loves, a person who is a friend if you can not be bothered, and if your enemy is to some extent, however, respect. So a lovely person almost. A person who has an active role in society, with which you can also talk about issues and from which in the end we are left with some views in common. The third
, Namely the NLL, or NSS (variations on the way, but equal to the intensity) is the type that can be recognized at first sight. The NLL is approaching you, even licking the shoes, and even if thou hast track a dog shit two minutes ago (with all due respect for the dogs, which I love), crawls like a worm in order to obtain what they need from you. While the NSS will now deal with some spoloquio that the fact would not even imagine, and, therefore, apparently totally free, making you look because you are inadequate or in default, and that in order to lower your dignity and force (if there helmets ) to do what he needs. The NLS and the NSL are a mixture of the other two and it depends on what prevails in loro quando si alzano al mattino, o come intendono impostare l'approccio con l'altro: se è un superiore prevarrà il leccare, se è un inferiore prevarrà lo stronzo. Di questo terzo tipo ce ne sono molti (sempre nell'ambito di quel 5-10%) o, meglio, ce ne sono sempre abbastanza anche nelle organizzazioni piccole per rovinarti la giornata se li incroci e, dunque, è meglio starci assolutamente alla larga, far finta di non averli visti o, se proprio vi hanno visto che li avete visti, accennare ad un sorriso, ma non troppo espansivo se no si sentono autorizzati ad "attaccare bottone", anche se non hanno niente per la testa verso di te. In questo terzo tipo esiste, comunque, una componente di normalità che, però, prevale not often, and when it prevails seems to be confronted with one of the second type, then a quite acceptable, but be aware that during the interview may unexpectedly prevailed on the third type, and then you eat elbows for thinking, "I knew that this was so, but I have fallen and there are deluded. "
The fourth, namely the LLS, LSS, SSL, SSL (four types that are similar and blend together) do not even have a small component of normality and, therefore, after the first approaches learned to stay away ever, because their "quality" are expressed well beyond the approach we took with you, and will continue without your knowledge with other people to put in a bad light, and that they will always, with whatever reason, accepting with respect to some aspect of all blame, so if their partner fell there will understand when you meet him: turn up your nose and you dodge as if you had done something to him.
The fifth is the maximum. This is the type of the type SSS and LLL, but similar in the intensity of their being profoundly different way. The type LLL dragging always complaining about everything and praise for your "high quality". It does not take long to realize that this is a perfect opportunity: Do not move hay if you do not get paid, and creates situations where the pander to all kinds of people and their opposites. Se è "di sinistra" (per quanto il termine oggi significhi poca cosa), fa il filo anche ad uno di destra, dicendo che, in fondo, si è sbagliato ad esserlo e che invece ora è fermamente convinto della idea del suo interlocutore. Se è "di destra", idem. Il tipo SSS sprizza fuoco di stronzità ad ogni poro della pelle, sia in vostra presenza che in vostra assenza e, in più, è capace di estrinsecare questa "qualità" in pubblico, cioè alla platea che in quel momento la circostanza gli regala come podio per sibilare ai quattro venti i suoi "pareri", e se la circostanza non gli fornisce un podio allora lui se lo crea, attaccando bottone con tutti con comizi e micro-assemblee estemporanee, e andrà alla ricerca of that podium where he will be praised (if one falls) as the savior of his country.

This is the situation that occurs in organizations, that figured in the places where people converge to "make ends meet." It does not take long to realize that the fourth and fifth kind of person are highly damaging to the good performance of the organization and that are causing the damage that the issues resolved.

And this is the situation that presents the Art Institute in Ancona, where I teach more than 25 years, and where, except the first, 95% of the people is the second type. But what about the third, fourth and fifth guy? Unfortunately, even here the 5% remaining (For those who love statistics) is of the greatest harm, and have plunged the school into a sort of circle of hell where, after the first infatuation with the art, getting away on foot uplifted, especially the leaders who, in recent 15 years, there have been at the average rate of 1.5 years each, with their great Goduria types that fall into that 5%.
could make 5 listings and divide the employees, especially teachers, according to its type, but this leaves the reader inside the school, its staff compilation.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Amazons Broke Men's Arms And Legs

Police, bread and circuses.

In the first video you see on this blog Italian policemen on motorcycles that combine amazing developments. From the stands, the President of the Republic Giovanni Leone and other politicians of the time, including Antonio Segni, they look a little tired, while some spectators in the audience expressed amazement and disbelief for so much skill.
Leone, who was elected president of the republic in 1971 with the decisive votes of the Italian Social Movement , whose secretary he was for many years Gianfranco Fini (inspired by the fascist party founded by Giorgio Almirante , a former official of the Italian Social Republic , established in September 1943 and left the scene to head with Mussolini down in Piazzale Loreto in Milan in April 1945), identified by the name of Antelope Cobbler at the time of the scandal Lockheed in 1976.
Under the guise of the celebration of the moment will divert hundreds of police from their investigative duties to give bread and circuses to the people instead of giving the safety of those intriguers democracy (the Borghese coup of December 1970 it is a warning) present even today in Italian political life, which is hidden or obvious.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Just Vitamin E For Diaper Rash


POINT GRAZIANO Ligi (on FaceBook )
Yes ... flamen the mountains ... on this years ago I wrote a poem ... flamen that the name that builds Flaminia Flaminio, but everything comes to those sort of deity that the Romans thought they were nestled in the Apennine gorges and sighing or blowing, so even now, for example, in one of the many holes around the Cucco, on the side of San Felice Marche, feels the current of air that comes out.
In fact, if the Latin "date" from 3,000 years ago, and Paleolithic man in the Apennines back to 500,000 years ago (Vallemontagnana and others), we get as a witness to that historic or prehistoric million years ago in which the 'Italy was a region with a few tropical land from the sea, where they lived even hippos (the head found in step Plestia, the mountains of Camerino, and exposed to the archaeological museum in Ancona), and then another date (so to speak) of 183 million years in which formed the limestone of the Cucco on the sea floor, at the time of the dinosaurs (remember the ichthyosaur preserved Museum of the caves of sentences).
It is certain that the rise, these rocks were subjected to run-off from outside and from within, and hence their karst and the inevitable current of air through them because of the different temperature between outside and inside. A flamen that has origins in the mists of time.
No more nice greeting I've had so far! Greetings Apennines, exactly. Inside is the story of the whole world ahead of us both.
Apennines (greetings)

Flamen THE MOUNTAINS (May 26, 1995) that the mountains breathe

I saw as a child.
The wind came out of the holes as

lungs tired and I basked in the fresh
daciso flamen and necessary.
felt ribs crack stones
as plaster, which open in
round and saw the ravine of the ravines
touch at will. I thought

breathe the scent of daisies. Today I no longer creak

swell and I no longer see the cliffs. But I feel the same
flamen Mount
that pervades our lives.
It 's the flamen
that oblivion of the dead where they have hunted
send us signs of the eternal.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Can You Enclose Central Air In Basement

country of the Apennines of shit?

But it is the country that is "shit". Shit the politicians, big business, organized crime (the mafia and the gangs of business). People are not central in all this "shit". People are "entitled" to a dignified existence, and already too busy to keep up his family. He says, "but the people who chose the political class" and, therefore, if he chose a political class of shit to say that the people are shit.
And no, people do not know anything of the political class that you choose, due to misinformation and to his vehicle which is the TV. If one says "give me great things that I will vote for the country ", I do it to him, but I also want the" power "of being able to get on with my own hands if he does not do great things he has promised. But I do not have this power.
Politicians, in essence, are not called to "answer" for their actions and, at most, in the next election if they go home, but not with bare hands, but with a decorosissima pension that pays people (in mockery mockery ).
If this is the power of the people (which is the etymology of the word democracy ) then we are being really bad.

Watch a video (between the hilarious, cynical and dismay).

Monday, September 20, 2010

Search Tech Deck

Democracy Democracy 2

Come with troops in Afghanistan to bring democracy .
But 221 years we pronounce this word in a blasphemer.
here, at least, democracy is: watch the video

on this site, and you will realize it soon.
Colà our troops also built aqueducts, a mayor here does not even guarantee a glass of water to refugees. Long live the symmetry!
billion € spent there, nenache a penny spent here, and the same needs: to drink a glass of water is not infected. Not
is no coincidence that in Africa the so-called "water wars" are nothing but war for territorial supremacy of ethnic groups on other ethnic groups, and always for the environmental and energy resources (oil, timber, diamonds, etc.)..

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bright Angel, Yellowstone

Closed due to pause for reflection at the terminal stage of nihilism. Correspondence 1 Correspondence 2

Sunday, July 4, 2010

50s Formica Dining Set

Let us carry around the world. Maybe to the sound of gunfire . Let freedom ring on the mouth of the cannon, as they say in Okinawa that the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still occupied by the U.S.. Video of almost 2 hours, very nice.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Professional Camcorder With Usb

Laws "ad personam"

If laws ad personam "are just on a personal basis?
get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat said his former lawyer, Carlo Taormina.
It 's true that it is one of the "trumpet" in the general election of 2008, but one has to believe in that capacity, at least for at least 75%.
Then he says he regretted that he had collaborated to create some laws ad personam for the rider. But sant'iddio, we wanted to get to 68 years (at the time of 2008) to have a clear opinion of the person who paid him? Where was
Taormina from 1968 (at the time of Rasini Bank) in 2008? E 'lived in a glass case, perhaps on the moon?
not remember the days when "house", the knight, in full blast in Milan in the 70s?
is jumping on the TV at the time of Craxi? And the deal Rovelli trillion with bribing judges (collateral damage, it will be said)?
And all the rest?
Say what you know, Taormina, who knows how much, or do we laugh out loud about his self-disgraced! All
so, until the Knight bankrolls them, shut up and fly, lined and covered, then shit at will, and often against the wind. Now I'm waiting
La Russa, Gasparri, Giovanardi, Quagliariello and others, including Cicchitto (ex-socialist, he wanted to instill the word of the class struggle to the masses ...), all stooges who stand (excuse the pun on words ) until the crop is thrown at the feet (sorry again, but I'm in the mood poetry).
Both Bondi has already put some dot the i's and before, Fini and his minions (who is as inconsistent, I do not even remember the name now that the silent TG).
could generate the list, as does the mafia, men, and ominucoli cacacazzi, and they are there in spades, many in the center-right, many in the center-left.
twenty years in this part of Italy seems the country of a thousand Pinocchios! And twenty years are just so many, even for a TV showman as Berlusconi: Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin held up until then, then you are sprawled under the pressure of the awakening from the sleep of reason that, sometimes, it hits the crowds (as he said The Bon), and then woe betide anyone who touches it.
be necessary to dig up the Eskimo, the Indians as the hatchet?!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Can You Wear Knee High Socks With A Mini Skirt

The flight of the "beetle", faith, and science.

In recent days I have seen some of a series of videos, where a nice gentleman with the thin-rimmed glasses said, in a logical and scientific reasons for its being an atheist. I left a few comments, and listed a couple of videos. From agnostic to share much of his arguments, which then are those "classic" that have always compelled theologians to scrambling to avoid the collapse of their whole house of cards. I find that the channel Calogero, this is the name the author, is a teacher. This explains the sake of explanation and linear (but absolutely devoid of pedantry is peculiar to some "professors") of his "Lessons of atheism." I send the invitation.

This, in itself, would not be so important to open up a blog, as I did a few hours ago (let me greetings, friends!: P), except that I was presented a golden opportunity to address a topic that is close to my heart: the differences between the forms of thought-called religious and scientific thought.

The pretext is offered to me by the comments of someone who, after a few posts in which accusations of stupidity, ignorance, "not wanting to see" (note in this expression, which will take up later), and the like people that do not follow the teachings of the Bible, and stating that atheists believe in "many things that science does not see" (it's still to "see" Pay attention!), argues more or less like this:
At Cambridge University there is an inscription that says, considering the wingspan and wing beat frequency, related to weight, is scientifically proven that a beetle can not fly.
From this sentence the commentator argues that Calogero, who he said believe in "science stuff", should not believe that the beetle flight (or even deny the very existence of the beetle!), And in a few post that suggests Non-believers develop an 'open-mindedness "(exact words: D) that would start believing in God, that would be the real explanation.

These arguments I responded by saying, in summary, that the fact that the beetles fly falls in the laws of nature, and could not be otherwise,-as it happens! - and that, if anything were true the assertions of the "cartel of Cambridge, mean I just do not know the law governing that phenomenon.

In addition to the above have given a proof by contradiction: if the phenomenon to happen outside the laws of nature, we would (by definition!) In front of a Miracle: Miracles are events that in fact contradict the laws of nature, and that can be explained only by recourse to a god. If a fact can be explained "by nature" is not a miracle. I think that we can not escape this tautology, if not introducing other categories ... "supernatural" like magic, of course: D
If the flight of the beetle was a miracle, however, could only draw conclusions that, in my post, I have called "ridiculous" You do not see why a god would create the laws of nature to regulate the universe, and then create an entire order of insects, beetles, who systematically violate the principles which he himself had established. The beetles, among others, are the largest taxonomic group of organisms on the planet, with a few million different species.
Equally ridiculous would be to think of a god, every time one of the multi-trillion of beetles living decides to flap its wings, and forced to work a miracle on demand. What would be particularly unfair, I would now add, in Mrs Cesira, the old caretaker of my building, which he continued to go to church and light candles to ask her little miracle. It takes only one him, poor thing ... and for once: D

The sense of my post was misinterpreted, cmq, I've seen responding (in truth after an honest admission of not understanding my speech), which is my a theory idiot (literally: "theories so stupid I had never heard"), and that the best explanation would be a god that "anything can" (The old "omnipotence" so dear to St. Augustine) and we can not understand. The "we" would not include non-believers, needless to say. Those who have faith in God, (and in the Bible), has already solved the problem ... of course!

I replied back explaining the paradox, (which is obviously a stupid theory if only misrepresents the nature of paradox, you take it seriously), and concluded with two small questions: "Sure, then, that the sentence is true? You have the mathematical and physical evidence? ".

I was certain that these tests were not there, given the enormity of the topic, but I also wanted to do a search online to find the answer from me, and here's what I found:

The fact that the flight of the beetles can not be explained scientifically is just an urban legend! : D

Like all urban legends, there are many versions, some change in the name of the insect, which is not a generic beetle but from time to time, a bee, a bumblebee, a hornet, etc. etc. In some cases the university to be different, becoming one of Gottingen in Germany, and others scattered in Switzerland, Australia, or wherever the fancy of the narrator decides to set the story.
Even the characters that the fact that it relates is sometimes described as a group of researchers "engaged" in a trip to the countryside, sometimes as university professors, etc.. In a case of precise references are provided, I have not checked cmq: everything would be mentioned in the book "Le Vol Des Insects" (1934), 's French entomologist Antoine Magnan, covering some calculations made by his laboratory assistant, that André Sainte-Lague, about the lift force which is carried on the wings of a bumblebee, and which show that the insect in question could only hold about half of its weight.

stripped the many aspects of the legend, remains a fundamental fact: someone (no matter if the already appointed Sainte-Lague, German physicist Prandlt or others) have tried to apply the fly beetle any of our physical principles that apply to airplanes, which have fixed wing and create (relatively) little turbulence. In other words, these calculations show that only the insect in question could not stay in the air ... if he were to apply the same principles as for airplanes!

The reality is that the same insect wings create a large turbulence in the fluid (air) in which the insect moves, which subsequently reacts in a form different from that applicable to a plane (not known to beat their wings). Those interested the scientific details can start a search on "Reynolds number" and "turbulent". The interesting stuff is available on the net a lot, even in our language.

Another remarkable fact: in my research I found many pages where it is stated that in fact the famous "Written at Cambridge" (or in Gottingen, or anywhere else), does not even exist. For example, this would not be any reference to it on the sites related to famous universities, compared to a lot of posts that deny its existence, there is none that indicate directly.
deny the existence of a thing, as you know very well who was in charge of problem of God, is an extraordinarily difficult task, but until someone makes me see (that word again here that often!) the famous scroll, I can only assume that it probably does not exist. The thing is however not conclusive. If only I have confirmed that between the flight of the bumblebee (or whatever it was), and the laws of science there is no contradiction.

For now I think I have dwelt enough, and I refer to the near post the promised clarification of the difference between scientific method and the method (if I may say so!) Of faith.

The provisional conclusion of my story is at this moment: is Rest easy on our fellow believers. Prof. Calogero can continue to rely on the testimony of his eyes, that tell you that the beetles fly, no need to postulate the existence of a god, something on which part of the discussions, or any other of which are aware, was not given any evidence.

The rest I'll explain next time. :-)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Life Fitness Elliptical Calories Burned

Portrait consumption

A measure of nose odoran armpits,

to measure henna covers the nose had white.

A measure of an arm

improper perfume in common with menstruation.

A measure of the barrel (of Montenovo)

not see wrinkles or varicose veins,

odoran not estrogen, do not emit flashes from his eyes.

just enough to conceal regurgitation,

the neckline is omen only palpation

annual mammogram.

The attillatura fails and the Gorge shows merciless.

Even the greeting with a kiss becomes anxiety

beautiful appearance and fall like a lime plaster.

pass struts up cleats spiked

peering eyes as thirty years before.

watching the clock running away from nothing.

It 's time for dinner - they think - but now the sun

remember that nobody expects.

getting on supple

and asking for a ticket in the car

s'assettano juggles with wise and weary

that no one appreciates more.

Soul instincts or looking for a smile of home.

After dozing in front of the TV

lying is the perpetual and solemn

showing her back in her dressing gown absent.

(September 2007)

A poem previous posted here .

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Where Does The Jaw Start


sure to read this , is a hoot.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Interesting Syphilis Facts

December 17, 2008

I keep looking down as you look to steal and

I guess evil.

What gives me relief.

I see you, awkward and dirty float in your filth,

barking angrily

and after some yelp stop for sloth.

I see peasants and protruding

looking for easy definition

and manly shouting.

I learned to paint, you know? And every evening

outlines the landscapes that I can only fantasize.

spit and I mix color

to stay because so far, although

something you have to hate.

How To Use Vcr Remote With Tv

December 3, 2008

Mi amigo,

things that are binding for
rarity in what we call life

[whereas life the work that keeps us fed and off in a hurry

conventions and the resignation of dreams]

are strong narrow
leaving the sign of the nail

we might question our restless
inadequacy against the rare

or we idolize the case at that point led us to the place where

would become less courage
nell'appagante feeling of having more freedom

but we went through
rare and there is greater freedom allows to create

[but do not say I told you you thought of moral

because there is nothing moral in human

is only fear that makes me talk like that]

Friday, April 30, 2010

Smother In Blue Jeans

1 May

The music of workers to download.
If you set the translator of the search engine is easier to understand what it is, because the site is the Russian language.
If you are interested then there are the beautiful music of Vladimir Vysotsky and those Elena Ignatov or those Eugene Babenko (the poetic).
short, if selected by this site you will find a world of copyright songs in MP3, all completely free as inserted by the same authors of the songs voluntarily (right-hand column are also other types of music).
The musicality is very different from the Anglo-Saxon consumatissima, we prevailing since the war, and it's really beautiful.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gallbladder Polyps Pain?

hate the indifferent. The fall of 1960

I borrow words that have gone through almost a hundred years of history to wish everyone a good April 25.

Text: free adaptation of the chapter on the indifference of "The Future City" by Antonio Gramsci (1917-1918)
Here find the full text.

Music: Leonard Cohen et Noir Desir in "Le chant des Partisans"

PS: I used the reader is not the best so if while listening to the audio track, you go for a walk on other sites, do not come back Back to the blog page for the playback will stop and you listen to it all over again. Sorry for that: (

Monday, March 22, 2010

Blockage In Dog Colon

have done so, I can not do anything. First of all the words. Or better securities. It is they who will influence my opinion on a book, a movie, a piece of music. that's how I decided that ' A guide to Recognize my saints ' would be one of Dito Montiel of those films that you do not forget before to see him and that ' The Book of Bernardo Soares ' by Fernando Pessoa I would leave deep scars before they even smell it. In the same way I decided that my favorite song on the new album is the last of the Canadians, Open Letter to an alpine marmot . You can still make your idea listening to the whole album ' The fall of 1960 ' world premiere about two weeks the release date of the record, or April 9, 2010. Enjoy it!

PS And while you're at a date ' look at the pictures taken by Sciaini , author of the magnificent shot on the cover.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Zebra Print Doona Cover

the little dark sources.

sources are small dark
those from which we draw water
like the land of the cemetery to our ideals.

are bright spots of salt tears.

dig face to each path is always the same
from the deep wounds of our fear
awareness shewn sterility.

There was a time in which I loved.
There is a time in which to continue the journey begun is the priority.

I stranded at the heart of the baggage that weighed me down
and with difficulty I face if they call me,
been so great is the fury give me a new name.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Stomach Flu Is Going Around Az

The breath of the black man.

I hung the bunny

With its cold hands

between her thighs

Ho impiccato il coniglietto

Mentre cercavo

Di schivare le sue premure

I locked and bound him tightly

stared at the blue wall

And the picture with the caricatures

To not understand

I caught the rag doll

took the braids

And he tightened around his mouth

To prevent them from calling for help

I caught the rag doll

I could not even call for help

The locked entry from its perversion

I hung the doll piece

The filth of his thoughts

Spread on top of me

I tricked the bear

Air ears

warm breath on his face

Too close


I tricked the bear

Pratiche adulte

Nell’attesa di Babbo Natale

Ho impiccato l’orsacchiotto

Aveva visto tutto

E sapeva troppo

Treadmills On Sale In Cairo

away from me.

Fra anni guardandomi alle spalle

will see me walking
on a carpet of violet petals,
in a road as wide as me
and long As the infinite.

I see I do love
on a platform in the sea, sitting on my passion

and surrounded by an impalpable placenta, which filters the light to
not disturb me.

I'll see rolling
down a mountain of sand, while the wind
deforms the landscapes
and paths intertwine
friends without ever touching.

I shall be exploring space
looking for that hug
that those who do not know me
me in exchange of anise and cinnamon.

I'll see about
in tears
a phone that does not understand that I was not cowardly
. It strikes me

hot words that make your eyes bleed.

will see me undress

to make them understand that now that I took
I shall keep
even though the game not fun anymore.

caress the moon I'll see
where sky and sea is a buzz around us and
island and amplifies.

Because sooner or later you will go all away.